Raspberry Pi read GPIO signals in Simulink

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I wanted to read the signals coming from a DTH11 or DTH22 sensor, which is connected to my RasPi via GPIO. Do I have to install the sensor-library first to get plausible values in simulinks "GPIO read"?
Thanks, Christoph

回答(1 个)

Gayatri Menon
Gayatri Menon 2017-8-23
Hey, DHT22 or DHT11 sensor signal is 40bits. Using just the GPIO Read block won't suffice. You can consider creating a Device Driver block in Simulink for the same. The following link will help you create Driver block: https://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/raspberrypi/device-driver-blocks.html
Hope that helps!


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