Solution of non linear equation

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Let tan(y)-c*tan(a*y)=0 be an equation.
question; is there any a and c such that this equation dos not have any solution. when i apply this code i obtain the empty set:
syms y c a
eq1 = tan(y)-c*tan(a*y);
gargar = solve(eq1)
then gargar = empty set. I think that this mean that there exists a and c such that our equation does not have any solution. But i cannot find this two reals a and c. please help.
  4 个评论
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2019-9-21
Here's some sample code:
x = linspace(-4.7*pi,4.17*pi,3013); % Generate an array for the independent variable
a = 0.2; % some values for a
c = 5; % and c
hold on
axis([-15 15 -22.5 22.5])
The thing is that you should then think about what the curves imply - you have two piece-wise continuous functions, what has to be true for them never to be equal? This part is not a question
for computations - numerical or sybolic - but for thinking.
Abdessami Jalled
Abdessami Jalled 2019-9-21
thanks to you. what i want is that the to curves does not intersect in 0. and i think this is what i can see



darova 2019-9-21
Maybe there is no such a and c! I used isosurface to create several combinations:
[a,c,y] = meshgrid(0:0.5:5);
f = tan(y)-c.*tan(a.*y);
p = patch( isosurface(a,c,y,f,0) ); % create surface when f=0
view(3); axis tight
lighting gouraud
xlabel('a axis')
ylabel('c axis')
zlabel('y axis')
This is what i got
And projection XY projection. As you can see there is no such a and c on [0 .. 5] such that f ~= 0

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