Bayesian Optimization? Can't find anything wrong.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
% I followed example in the first line and don't know how to change it right. Thanks a lot!
load ionosphere
dataX = X;
dataY = Y;
c = cvpartition(351,'KFold',5);
kernel = optimizableVariable('kernel',{'gaussian','polynomial'},'Type','categorical');
kernelScale = optimizableVariable('kernelScale',[1, 30]);
polyOrder = optimizableVariable('polyOrder',[2, 3],'Type','integer');
vars = [kernel,kernelScale,polyOrder];
fun = @(x)kfoldLoss(fitcsvm(dataX,dataY,'CVPartition',c,'KernelFunction',string(x.kernel),'KernelScale',x.kernelScale,'PolynomialOrder',x.polyOrder));
results = bayesopt(fun,vars,'Verbose',1,'AcquisitionFunctionName','expected-improvement-plus');
%% The output
| Iter | Eval | Objective | Objective | BestSoFar | BestSoFar | kernel | kernelScale | polyOrder |
| | result | | runtime | (observed) | (estim.) | | | |
| 1 | Best | 0.11966 | 0.067042 | 0.11966 | 0.11966 | polynomial | 7.1654 | 3 |
错误使用 classreg.learning.partition.PartitionedModel/checkFoldArgs (line 327)
Indices of folds must be a vector with numbers between 1 and 0.
出错 classreg.learning.partition.ClassificationPartitionedModel/kfoldLoss (line 310)
[mode,folds,extraArgs] = checkFoldArgs(this,varargin{:});
出错 BayesianOptimization/callObjNormally (line 2553)
Objective = this.ObjectiveFcn(conditionalizeX(this, X));
出错 BayesianOptimization/callObjFcn (line 467)
= callObjNormally(this, X);
出错 BayesianOptimization/runSerial (line 1989)
ObjectiveFcnObjectiveEvaluationTime, ObjectiveNargout] = callObjFcn(this, this.XNext);
出错 BayesianOptimization/run (line 1941)
this = runSerial(this);
出错 BayesianOptimization (line 457)
this = run(this);
出错 bayesopt (line 323)
Results = BayesianOptimization(Options);
出错 BO_SVM (line 13)
results = bayesopt(fun,vars,'Verbose',1,'AcquisitionFunctionName','expected-improvement-plus');

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