Why does the Signal Editor not interpolate my signals

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a Model with a Signal Editor for external inputs. The signal I want to input is actually a Bus with several signals of single type and one enumeration.
Because of the enumeration in the bus I can not check the option "Interploate data" in the Block Parameters Dialog of the Signal Editor, otherwise I get an error when trying to simulate.
The interpolation method for each signal (except for the enumerated one) is set to linear.
But when I run the simulation the interpolation of all the signals is treated as zoh.
Any idea how to solve this keeping the enumeration inside the Bus?
  3 个评论
Gábor 2024-2-20
I have the same issue in 23b, interpolation is set to linear, still the output is not interpolated. Anyone managed to solve this?


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