Incorrect Loading of Values at the inports of Simulink Model

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I am simulating the model with 1 input and 1 output[Input pass through to output].
So as per observation:
At timestamp t = 0.05, the value 10 of Bus Inport element 'Dummy_bus.V_x_Status' is retained at timestamp t=0.06 during simulation, instead of taking the actual value 15 of timestamp t=0.06.
As input port is a bus Inport(Dummy_bus) with 17 elements, hence I enabled the Configuration Import/Export and provided input using a structure of time series.
Only the 5th bus element V_x_Status has a mismatch at 0.06 seconds.
Sample time of Model is 0.01 and this is also used for Strcture of time series data.
MATLAB, Simulink version used is 2016b.
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