
版本 1.1 (13.0 MB) 作者: Rami Houdroge
International Space Station Live Tracking GUI
2.1K 次下载
更新时间 2023/4/21

编者注: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week


The purpose of this open-source software is to provide Matlab users with the means to track the ISS in real-time, and to provide them with:

• Real-time Keplerian orbital parameters,
• Real-time 3D visualisation of the location of the ISS,
• Ground trace and real-time 2D location of the ISS,
• Real-time telescope pointing coordinates from a given user location.

This is done by propagating the orbit bulletin provided by Nasa. The ISS 24h ephemeris data ‎[R5] is regularly updated, and provides expected positions and planned manoeuvres for two weeks.

The low-level libraries Commons-Math and Orekit are used directly within Matlab to propagate the orbit bulletin and a Matlab Guide figure updated every 10 ms displays the real-time data.


Matlab (No toolboxes required).
An internet connection.
A good pc…


Rami Houdroge (2024). ISSTracker (, GitHub. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2016b
Windows macOS Linux
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Added the current working version that I have to GIT!

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