Download and configure JDBC driver

Download JDBC driver and configure java class path required for Database Toolbox.
800.0 次下载
更新时间 2017/10/6


[status,message] = configureJDBCDriver(vendor)
downloads JDBC driver for the given vendor in MATLAB's preferences directory and configures the java class path. status indicates if the operation was a SUCCESS, ERROR or NO ACTION. message is associated with the status returned, which is an optional argument.

[status,message] = configureJDBCDriver(vendor,Name,Value)

downloads and configures JDBC driver using Name-Value arguments.

Supported Vendors:
- 'MySQL'
- 'PostgreSQL'
- 'SQLite'
- 'MariaDB'
- 'Amazon Redshift'
- 'Amazon Aurora'

Name-Value arguments:
DownloadOnly - Default value is false. If set to true, JDBC driver only downloaded. Java class path is not configured.
DownloadLocation - By default, JDBC driver is downloaded in the MATLAB's preferences directory. You may provide a different
location on your machine where you would like to download the JDBC driver.
SuppressMsgBox - Default value is false. If set to true, message box is suppressed from being displayed.

status = configureJDBCDriver('MySQL')
downloads MySQL JDBC driver in MATLAB's preferences directory and configures javaclasspath.txt to add the JDBC driver to
static java class path.

status = configureJDBCDriver('MySQL','DownloadOnly',true)
downloads MySQL JDBC driver in MATLAB's preferences directory.

status = configureJDBCDriver('MySQL','DownloadOnly',true,'DownloadLocation','C:\work')
downloads MySQL JDBC driver in C:\work directory.

status = configureJDBCDriver('MySQL','DownloadLocation','C:\work')
downloads MySQL JDBC driver in C:\work direcotry and configures javaclasspath.txt to add the JDBC driver to static java class

status = configureJDBCDriver('MySQL','SuppressMsgBox',true)
downloads MySQL JDBC driver in MATLAB's preferences directory and configures javaclasspath.txt to add the JDBC driver to
static java class path. Suppresses the message box from being displayed

This method is supported in MATLAB R2017a and later.


MathWorks Computational Finance Team (2024). Download and configure JDBC driver (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 检索来源 .

MATLAB 版本兼容性
创建方式 R2017a
Windows macOS Linux
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