6,382 个结果

This repository will host Simulink reference application examples using Embedded Coder TI C2000 Support Package.

Simulink® Reference Application Examples for Embedded Coder® Texas Instruments (TI) C2000™ Support Package This repository will host Simulink reference application examples using Embedded Coder TI

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Field-Oriented Control with TI LaunchPad and BOOSTXL-DRV8301

example on this page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/ti-c2000/ug/sensorless-foc-example.htmlRequired Hardware:- TI F28027 LaunchPad- BOOSTXL-DRV8301 with a 3-phase brushless motor and a 12-24V power

Generate code optimized for C2000 MCU.

™ Microcontrollers with Connected IO Capabilities. Embedded Coder® Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000™ Processors enables you to run Simulink® models on TI C2000 MCUs. Embedded Coder automatically generates C

Field-Oriented Control with TI LAUNCHXL-F28069M, BOOSTXL-DRV8301 inverters and 2 PMS motors

of this example on this page: https://www.mathworks.com/help/ti-c2000/ug/dual-motor-dyno-example.htmlRequired Hardware: - TI LAUNCHXL-F28069M LaunchPad (http://www.ti.com/tool/LAUNCHXL-F28069M)- 2

Beats MATLAB 300% - 400% in some cases ... really!

, and Conjugate pre-operations- Supports singleton expansion- Utilizes BLAS calls, custom C loop code, or OpenMP multi-threaded C loop code- Can match MATLAB results exactly or approximately as desired

Thsi target support package allows you to deploy your algorithms on TI LaunchPad.

Simulink (Embedded Coder) Target for TI LaunchPadSummary:TI LaunchPad (http://ti.com/launchpad) is an easy-to-use, affordable (< 5 USD),and scalable introduction to the world of microcontrollers

IRI 2012


作者: Kip Knight

International Reference Ionosphere 2012 model

Embedded Coder Processor In Loop (PIL) Target for Hercules RM48 MCUs

MathWorks and Texas Instruments engineers demonstrate a new workflow for generating TI Hercules MCU optimized code from Simulink.This target includes Texas Instruments of Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL

Convert a numeric value to SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix). Bonus: binary prefixes!

', num2bip(pow2(200,20),[],true))ans = 'Memory: 200 mebibyte'>> sprintf('Data saved in %sB.', num2bip(1234567890,3))ans = 'Data saved in 1.15 GiB.'>> num2bip(bip2num('9 Ti')) % 9 tebi == pow2(9,40) == 9*1024^4ans = '9 Ti

Simulink (Embedded Coder) Target for TI Stellaris LaunchPad

Simulink (Embedded Coder) Target for TI Stellaris LaunchPadSummary:TI Stellaris LaunchPad (http://www.ti.com/stellaris-launchpad-b) is a low-cost development board based on ARM Cortex-M4F.Simulink



作者: Todd

Matlab driver to communicate with a SolsTiS M Squared CW Ti-saphire laser using TCP/IP.

Description This package can be used to communicate a SolsTiS M Squared CW Ti-saphire laser using TCP/IP. The functions can be used to send a general command, or use the built in

Convert SI-prefixed text (aka engineering / metric prefix) into numeric values. Bonus: binary prefixes!

| kibi 1024^2 | Mi | mebi 1024^3 | Gi | gibi 1024^4 | Ti | tebi 1024^5 | Pi | pebi 1024^6 | Ei | exbi 1024^7 | Zi | zebi 1024^8 | Yi |

These model files move from a system level GPS receiver channel to actual operating hardware.

design. Ultimatly, the design is elaborated to the point of being deployed on a Xilinx FPGA and TI DSP. NOTE: You do not have to have the tools to do this to use most of the models.

MatLab object for segmenting sequences of real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values.

HandsOn-SEA is a low cost robotic device enabling the students to interact with virtual environments

Functions to analytically price CMS Spread Caps in a Local-Stochastic Vol Libor Market Model.

Generate code optimized for TI Concerto.

NOTE: This support package is no longer supported by MathWorks. It is recommended that you use C2000 Microcontroller Blockset which includes the support for Texas Instruments™ C2000™ F28M3x Concerto

A small collection of utilities for stripping MATLAB comments from strings and files.

This series of labs show how to synthesize music with Simulink and then target a TI 'C6000 DSK

.• Implement the music synthesis in Simulink.Lab 4b:In this lab you will learn:• How to install the software to target a TIC6713 DSK.• How to convert the music synthesis program from Lab 04a to run on the

A Simplified 2D Image Reconstruction Solution using TI IWR1443 mmWave sensors

Software Defined Radio


作者: Luke V

A software defined radio is constructed to design and test an OFDM SDR on a TI DSP board.

Medical software for Processing multi-Parametric images Pipelines

Designing IIR filters using the Bilinear Transform (BLT) and by placing

Laboratory 7 of 12 for the Texas Instruments TMS320C5416 DSK.A self-teach application or college laboratory to allow the student to find out by practical experiment the answer to the following

MatLab object for clustering real-valued data with noise, outliers and missing values

Alphanumeric sort of a cell/string/categorical array, with customizable number format.

. charactersrelative order of numbers vs NaNsExamples%% Multiple integers (e.g. release version numbers):>> A = {'v10.6', 'v9.10', 'v9.5', 'v10.10', 'v9.10.20', 'v9.10.8'};>> sort(A) % for comparison.ans =



作者: Jan

Fast linear interpolation of equally spaced data (C-MEX and M)

defined by uniform steps: T = linspace(Ti, Tf, Tn) this is faster: Yi = ScaleTime(Y, Ti, Tf, Tn)For nun-uniform input use the 2nd function: Yi = ScaleTimeNU(X, Y, Xi)I have recorded timeseries of e.g

Natural-Order Row Sort

版本 3.4.5

作者: Stephen23

Alphanumeric row sort of a cell/string/categorical/table array, with customizable number format.

{'B','2','X';'A','100','X';'B','10','X';'A','2','Y';'A','20','X'};>> sortrows(A) % SORTROWS for comparison.ans = 'A' '100' 'X' 'A' '2' 'Y' 'A' '20' 'X' 'B' '10' 'X' 'B' '2' 'X'>> natsortrows(A)ans = 'A' '2' 'Y' 'A' '20' 'X

An application written in C for the Texas Instruments C5000 ...

Laboratory 6 of 12 for the Texas Instruments TMS320C5416 DSK.A self-teach application or college laboratory to allow the student to find out by practical experiment the answer to the following

Designing IIR bandpass filters using the bilinear transform (BLT) ...

Laboratory 8 of 12 for the Texas Instruments TMS320C5416 DSK.A self-teach application or college laboratory to allow the student to find out by practical experiment the answer to the following

Double Fourier series plots and effects of the number of terms and oscillation smoothing are shown.

Alphanumeric sort of filenames or filepaths, with customizable number format.

filepaths are split at each file-separator character, and each level of the file hierarchy is sorted separately.Example with DIR()P = 'C:\SomeDir\SubDir';S = dir(fullfile(P,'*.txt'));S = natsortfiles(S);for k

It generates SIFT key-points and descriptors for an input image.

The first code 'vijay_ti_1' will extract the SIFT key-points and descriptor vector of each key-point in an image. For this code just one input image is required, and after performing complete SIFT



作者: Silvano Bertoldo

The function generate a file in TI format. The TI file is a typical file used for Texas Instruments

The function generate a file in TI format. The TI file is a typical file used for Texas Instruments debug operation and for Code Composer Studio.A TI file contains a header made by 5 fields:Magic

Set of functions that can be used for interpolation and and approximation of scattered data of any d

interp1(x,f,xi); % RBF interpolationrbf=rbfcreate(x, f);fi = rbfinterp(xi, rbf);%2D examplex = rand(50,1)*4-2; y = rand(50,1)*4-2; z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);ti = -2:.05:2; [XI,YI] = meshgrid(ti,ti

The purpose of this code is to compute a specific Dose metric given a DVH with relative dose and relative volume.

to be in relative form but given the prescribed dose and the volume of the structure, D3cc and V20Gy can be calculated.User needs to follow one of the given example in the description. Start by the

HMM for isolated words data applying EM algorithm

database can be obtained from this link: http://www.ece.ucsb.edu/Faculty/Rabiner/ece259/speech%20recognition%20course.html with the title of "isolated TI digits training files, 8 kHz sampled, endpointed



作者: Rob Campbell

This function visualizes raw (grouped) data along with the mean, 95% confidence interval, and 1 SD.

This example shows how to design a DC/DC Buck Converter controller

This example shows how to design a DC/DC Buck Converter controller with the Embedded Coder Support Package for TI® C2000 Processors and run it on the TI® F28377S Launchpad (LAUNCHXL-F28377S


版本 1.0.13

作者: Steve

SDK to allow Matlab to communicate with the strangeworks platform

Finite-element-based global DVC method (guarantee global kinematic compatibility and decrease noise by adding regularization penalties).

., Landauer, A., Franck, C. Augmented Lagrangian Digital Volume Correlation. Experimental Mechanics, 2020 (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11340-020-00607-3).Or request full text



作者: Jan

RunLength coding as fast MEX and M-code

FileExchange already. This C-Mex isabout 5 times faster than good vectorized M-versions.The M-file RunLength_M contains vectorized and loop M-code for education.EXAMPLES:Encode and decode: [b, n] = RunLength([8

Get fundamental plasma physics length scales, time scales, velocities, etc. using functions defined in the plasma physics formulary

Magnetic field, Gaussn = SI2cgs(1e20, 'Density'); % Electron density [cm^-3]F = FundamentalPlasma(); % create objectF.getElectronGyroFreq(B); % Electron gyro frequency

Creates an N-dimensional sparse array object, for arbitrary N.

be permuted, summed, concatentated, and so forth e.g., >> B=sum( permute([A,A+10], [3,2,1]) ,2) B(:,:,1) = (1,1) 120 (2,1) 20 B(:,:,2) = (1,1) 140

Bayesian algorithm for segmenting real-valued input-output data into non-overlapping segments

Modelo no lineal en s-function del proceso y linealizacion



作者: Scott Rowe

Finds the Wilson parameters of binary system(s) from isothermal pressure data.

Matlab implementation of an MMSE based noise PSD tracking algorithm for speech enhancement.



作者: Jan

Simple but fast date conversion: 1.3% of DATESTR time, 20% of DATEVEC/ DATENUM time

This program allows the conversion from atomic/weight % to weight/atomic % quantities of a system of up to 10 elements.

% Read the image img = imread('C:\Program Files (x86)\IMG-20240221-WA0003.jpg'); % Convert the image to grayscale if it's a color image if

% Read the imageimg = imread('C:\Program Files (x86)\IMG-20240221-WA0003.jpg');% Convert the image to grayscale if it's a color imageif size(img, 3) == 3 img_gray = rgb2gray(img);else img_gray

Implementation of SFSK modulation type on Piccolo F28027 MCU

Add a percent ("%") symbol to the x, y, or both axes

% attendance calculator


作者: ravi Bagade

It calculates the % attendace of the 6 students at a time.

Fast SVD % function [U,S, V]=rsvd (X, r,q,p) % % usage : % % input: % * X : matrix whose SVD we want % * r : trunction (rank ) for exa

This can be used for code generation(TI C2000 DSP2833x)

Solves the eigenproblem kz(omega,kx,ky) and plots the field distributions for allowed modes

Convert your .plt files into .txt files which can be imported straight into Excel, Origin... etc

Hi. Here is a code to compute the convolution of two discrete-time signals x[n] and y[n].
