Clarifying Definition of Turnover in Financial Toolbox
Hi Dat, I think the constraint should be interpreted as follows - 1/2 * |Port - InitPort| <= Turnover

6 years 前 | 0

How do I get the distance between the point and the hyperplane using libsvm?
Hey Stef You can find the distance of a point i from hyperplane as follows: distance_i = |decision_value|_i / |w|-b w...

6 years 前 | 0

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Is it possible to use a for loop to change which linear regression to use for optimization purposes?
Hi Anna, The below code snippet can accomplish the task. It fits all the models specified it 'fit_func' array and records the...

6 years 前 | 0

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Using the fitlm function for model without intercept, how R-squared is being calculated?
Hi Farhad, There are 2 types of R-squared values - # Ordinary R-Squared # Adjusted R-Squared You can have a look at t...

6 years 前 | 0

Structure arrays in Matlab2016
Hi Mykola, Since you have stored the fields of structure as sldd, they may not be directly accessible using the dot operator ...

6 years 前 | 0