find best fit ellipse to a set of data points
See the FAQ: https://matlab.fandom.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_fit_an_ellipse_or_other_shape_to_a_set_of_XY_data?

2 months 前 | 0

Different filters for pretrainned network
Only you would know if they preprocessing filters you tried will help your network classify the images better than with no prepr...

2 months 前 | 0

plot several equation and extract vertices
% First y=1 yline(1, 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2) hold on; % Next y = -4x + 1 over the x range of -5 to 5. x = linspace(-5,...

2 months 前 | 1

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copping grayscale image and remove any other borders or details
Try this: % Demo by Image Analyst % Initialization steps: clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figure...

2 months 前 | 0

How to approach this type of question in matlab?
This looks like a homework problem. If you have any questions ask your instructor or read the link below to get started: How d...

2 months 前 | 0

Understanding Gaussian Process Regression in Regression Learner App
I just always say to try all models and then pick the best one. I just use the default parameters and don't try to fine tune th...

2 months 前 | 0

using backpropagation neural network for fuel consumption prediction
Try the Regression Learner App on the Apps tab.

2 months 前 | 0


What Olympic sports to you like to watch most?

2 months 前 | 346 votes | 2 comments

How to draw the scatter plot for mean and Standard deviation of an image
If you're doing this to quantify the spatial uniformity of an image, once you have the mean and standard deviation of the 12 til...

2 months 前 | 0

How can I reassign clusters based on similarity or any other method?
Sorry, I didn't delve into this lengthy discussion in detail but for what it's worth, I'm attaching a demo that lets you relabel...

2 months 前 | 0

Standalone App will not install without internet
"that was compiled with the option to download runtime engine from web" <== well, don't use that option. Just compile your app ...

2 months 前 | 0

How to iteratively go through a structure?
Perhaps there is a way to vectorize it. But the for loop is not bad, except that you should use (i,j) indexes on DataMean other...

2 months 前 | 0

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copping grayscale image and remove any other borders or details
Not sure of the source of this image. It looks like a screenshot that was exported by your ultrasound program. That means the ...

2 months 前 | 0

standalone executable and write to a txt file
Like the others said, give the full file name. This means the drive, the folder, the base file name, and the extension. Use fu...

2 months 前 | 0

How do I write an excel file with specified formats for my data entries?
Yes, it's certainly possible. Probably the easiest way is to just make up an Excel workbook with all the columns formatted the ...

2 months 前 | 0

Macroscopic Specimen image Sectioning
Yes. What are you starting with? If you have any more questions, then attach your data and code to read it in with the papercl...

2 months 前 | 0

Matlab inherited environment when launched from command window
What information from the DOS environment do you need? Have you tried getenv? I guess you're doing, from the command window...

2 months 前 | 1

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How can I open a PDF in a standalone application?
I don't have a mac, nor a compiler anymore, but maybe try getting rid of open and letting the operating system figure it out jus...

2 months 前 | 0

Any ideas for making this exponential decay function match the actual data better?
@Kaya John brings up some good points and I hope you read it carefully to understand. From your other comment it sounds like ...

2 months 前 | 0

How to stop table headers being truncated ?
From the error it sounds like there is a maximum number of characters allowed for a table header name, just like there is for va...

2 months 前 | 0

How can I iterate through an array using a for loop?
The paths need to be enclosed in single or double quotes. Then when you put them into a cell array don't use quotes there. And...

2 months 前 | 1

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Editor doesn't show what I write in comman
If you type commands in the command window, the statements are not saved to a file. You can see and recall them by typing the u...

2 months 前 | 0

How to format cell font size, font color, and alignment in Excel from Matlab GUI program
I'm attaching a class, Excel_utils.m, that has all kinds of functions for formatting all kinds of things in Excel. I use it a l...

2 months 前 | 0

Code not displaying figure
Well you never plot anything and evidently you never get to the line where you call image to display an image. Try debugging ...

2 months 前 | 0

Is it possible to ADD a warning before Matlab starts?
You can check for drives in your startup.m file, and warn you if the folder or drive is not there, like this missingFolder = fa...

2 months 前 | 0

How can I identify and fill outliers in a 2d matrix?
You forgot to attach your data so it's hard to help you. Make it easy to help you, not hard. One possibility is to use a modif...

2 months 前 | 1

How to do skull stripping when the skull in the image is not complete?
I presume you've already seen my skull stripping demo I've posted many times, but I'm attaching it here for others. If your ini...

2 months 前 | 0

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How can i fit the inscribed circle with different diameter in an image ??
I don't even know what "fill with a different diameter" means, but you might try imfill mask = imfill(mask, 'holes');

2 months 前 | 0

how to remove background from thermal image. i want to remove the background from the image. just want forground image
Again, I don't think you need to actually zero out (blacken/remove) the background, but this is what you asked for: % Demo by I...

2 months 前 | 0

How do I solve this error in Parameter Setting for 2-D Lookup Table Block in Simulink?
There is no rowIndex or columnIndex for set_param. Why do you think there is? https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/se...

2 months 前 | 0
