
Número Primo
Dado um número inteiro N, retorne 'primo' se o número for um número primo ou 'não primo' caso contrário. Primo(5) = 'primo'; P...

2 years 前


Soma de digitos
Dado um número inteiro N, retorne a soma dos digitos de N SomaDigitos(5) = 5; SomaDigitos(13) = 4; SomaDigitos(123) ...

2 years 前


Imprime N impares
Retorne os N primeiros números impares NImpares(5) = [1 3 5 7 9];

2 years 前


Distancia Vetores
Dados dois vetores a = (x1, y1) e b = (x2, y2). Calcule a distância entre os vetores e verifique se estão perto (distancia < 10)...

2 years 前


Calculo das raizes com Bhaskara
Dado três valores a, b e c. Calcule as raizes da equação ax² + bx + c = 0 * para raizes reais, deve ser arrendondado em 2 casas...

2 years 前


Dado um número inteiro n, retorne 'buzz' se esse valor for multiplo de 5, ou retorne o valor caso contrario. Buzz(5) = 'buzz'; ...

2 years 前


Dado um número inteiro n, retorne 'fizz' se esse valor for multiplo de 3, ou retorne o valor caso contrario. Fizz(3) = 'fizz'; ...

2 years 前


Digito das Dezenas
Dado um número inteiro n, retorne qual o digito referente ao digito das dezenas n = 250; digito = DigitoDezena(n); digito = 5...

2 years 前


Dominant Matrix - 01
A matrix is said to be diagonally dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of the diagonal entry in a row is large...

2 years 前


Voltage in a lamp
A lamp is measured to have a resistance of R ohms when it operates at a power of P Watts. What is the voltage (in volts) being a...

2 years 前


Resistance in a circuit
Two resistors with values of 6.0 ohms and 12 ohms are connected in parallel. This combination is connected in series with a 4 o...

2 years 前


Calculate supply voltage and total current
Three resistors are connected in series and each has a resistance in ohms. Resistor R2 has a voltage drop of ΔV2volts Find the ...

2 years 前


Magic Matrix
We are all familiar with the concept of magic matrix. In a magic matrix, the summation of all rows, columns and both diagonals...

2 years 前


Conversor de Segundos
Digite um valor referente ao tempo em segundos. Retorne um valor com a quantidade convertida em dias, horas, minutos e segundos ...

2 years 前


Multiplos 7
Escreva um programa que mostre todos os números entre 5 e 100 que são divisíveis por 7, mas não são múltiplos de 5. Os números o...

2 years 前


Loja de tintas
Faça um programa para uma loja de tintas. O programa deverá receber o tamanho em metros quadrados da área a ser pintada. Conside...

2 years 前


Easy Sequences 72: Complete Graph
In Graph Theory, we say a graph is a Complete Graph, if all of its nodes are connected to evey other nodes in the graph. Example...

2 years 前 | 0 | 3 个解题者


Divisors for big integer
Inspired by Problem 1025 and Project Euler 12. Given n, return the number y of integers that divide N. For example, with ...

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 8
A robot is extending its arm and attempting to reach a game piece that is X” away and Yg ” off the ground. The base of the arm i...

2 years 前


Resistance of a robot
What is the resistance of an industrial robot that draws P watts of power when connected to a power supply delivering V volts? R...

2 years 前


Find out if Quadratic Equation has real roots or not?
Input [a b c] ax^2+bx+c=0 Output [1 or 0] 1= Quadratic Equation has real roots 0= Quadratic Equation has real roots

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 7
Three generous robotics team mentors would jointly like to donate $N toward extra supplies. The second mentor is donating twice ...

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 6
A High School is trying to build their robot to be able to reach the hanging object which is H inches from the ground. Their ro...

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 5
The total area of all four equal sections of the game field is N ft². Each section has a rectangle of dimensions X ft x Y ft re...

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 4
Team #1 is in first place but only one point higher than Team #2. The sum of their two scores is N. What are each team’s scores...

2 years 前


Basic Mathematics 3
It was announced during a Robotics Competition kick off that two of the trickiest scoring objects are: soup cans, and beach ball...

2 years 前


Linear Motion 7
A robot has a maximum rate of acceleration of a m/s2. If the robot starts from rest and reaches a velocity of v2 m/s. How far ha...

2 years 前


Linear Motion 6
An experimental vehicle traveling at v1 m/s is brought to a full stop in t seconds. How far does it travel before stopping? Roun...

2 years 前


Linear Motion 5
A robot moving down an incline for 3 seconds undergoes a uniform acceleration of a ft/s2. If the robot has an initial velocity o...

2 years 前


Coefficient of Static friction
The coefficient of static friction between two surfaces is u. What force must be used to move a W lb. crate on a horizontal sur...

2 years 前
