integrating function from -inf to +inf
I'm trying to integrate the following function from -inf to +inf with repsect to x.
fun = @(x) -3.*v.^2 -4.*v.*a./((x.^2+a.^2)...
plotting concentric circles using contour
I'm trying to plot a few concentric circles with the following codes, but what I get is an ellipse, i don't know why:
[x,y] = m...
Plotting a rankine half body
I'm trying to plot a rankine half body, a flow field formed by superposition of a horizontal uniform flow and a source flow. The...
Problem with plotting vector fields
I keep getting this error while trying to plot a vector field:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(2:10,2:10);
U = X/(X^2+Y^2);
V = Y/(X^2+Y^2);...