
Minkowski distance

12 months 前


Fractal: area and perimeter of Koch snowflake
Starting from an equilateral triangle with side 's', what is the area and perimeter of Koch snowflake at n'th recursive iteratio...

12 months 前


Sleeping Queens 1
My youngest daughter received a card game named Sleeping Queens for Christmas this year, and has been playing it nearly non-stop...

12 months 前


The twelve days of Christmas
Traditionally there are twelve days of Christmas to celebrate ("Twelvetide"), typically starting with Christmas Day (25 December...

12 months 前


How many Christmas presents under the tree?
For many families at Christmas, each family member gives 1 present to every other family member. The main exception is that chil...

12 months 前


Possible American Football Scoring Combinations
With inspiration from Problem 56195. Possible Ruby Scores, given the final score for two teams in an American football game (sco...

1 year 前


Make a "better" checkerboard matrix
This problem seeks to expand the task in Cody Problem 4 by allowing for the creation of checkerboard matrices that can be rectan...

1 year 前


Back and Forth Rows
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 wind back and forth along the rows as shown in the...

1 year 前


QWERTY coordinates
Given a lowercase letter or a digit as input, return the row where that letter appears on a standard U.S. QWERTY keyboard and it...

1 year 前


Easy Sequences 10: Sum of Cumsums of Fibonacci Sequence
The function F(n) is defined as the set of Fibonacci numbers from the first up to the n-th. S(n) is the result of applying to F,...

1 year 前


List every vertices neighbor indices
Input T is a <https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/triangulation.html triangulation>. The purpose of this function is to ...

1 year 前


Build edges list
Input T is a triangulation connectivity indices list (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vert...

1 year 前


Find neighbor triangle indices
First input T is a triangulation (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vertex number in a corre...

1 year 前


List one vertex neighbors
First input T is a triangulation connectivity indices list (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to ...

1 year 前


Remove duplicated triangles
Input T is a triangulation (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vertex number in a correspondi...

1 year 前


Find triangles from edge
First input is T, a Triplet list of indices -whom each row actually contains the three indices of a triangle vertices-. size(T) ...

1 year 前


Find edges from a vertex
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is i, a single index (positive integer). The goal of this function is ...

1 year 前


Find a common edge
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is e = [e1 e2], a row vector, couple of indices (positive distinct int...

1 year 前


Find a common vertex
First input is T, a triplet list of indices. Second input is i, a single index (positive integer). The goal of this function is ...

1 year 前


Remove duplicated vertices
First input V_in is a vertices list (X Y Z coordinates) which may contain duplicata (identical rows). Second input T_in is th...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - reverse engineering
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - other bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - weighted bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds (volumes)
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - either bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - upper bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

1 year 前


Stress-Strain Properties - 8
Up to this point, you've calculated some material properties based on tensile stress-strain data. For this problem, you are task...

1 year 前


Cricket - Report the Result (Part I: Limited Overs)
Given two scalar strings representing the scores for a limited-overs match, return a string reporting the result in the form "Te...

2 years 前
