
Min of a Matrix
Return the minimum value in the given matrix.

3 years 前


Reverse the elements of an array
Reverse the order of elements in an array: eg: input X = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 ] o...

3 years 前


Project Euler: Problem 7, Nth prime
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the Nth prime nu...

3 years 前


First non-zero element in each column
For a given matrix, calculate the index of the first non-zero element in each column. Assuming a column with all elements zero ...

3 years 前


Which values occur exactly three times?
Return a list of all values (sorted smallest to largest) that appear exactly three times in the input vector x. So if x = [1 2...

3 years 前


Arrange vector in ascending order
Arrange a given vector in ascending order. input = [4 5 1 2 9]; output = [1 2 4 5 9];

3 years 前


Wrapping the Tower of Pisa
The famous artist Christo Vladimirov Javacheff, who likes pizza, wants to wrap the well-known Italian tower in paper. It is a ci...

3 years 前


Make one big string out of two smaller strings
If you have two small strings, like 'a' and 'b', return them put together like 'ab'. 'a' and 'b' => 'ab' For extra ...

3 years 前


Draw 'B'
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'B' using 1 and 0. (x is odd and bigger than 4) Example: x=5 ans= [1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ...

3 years 前


Draw 'C'.
Given x as input, generate a x-by-x matrix 'C' using 0 and 1. example: x=4 ans= [0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 ...

3 years 前


Draw 'J'
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'J' using 0 and 1 . Example: n=5 ans= [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...

3 years 前


Draw a 'X'!
Given n as input Draw a 'X' in a n-by-n matrix. example: n=3 y=[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] n=4 y=[1 0 0...

3 years 前


~~~~~~~ WAVE ~~~~~~~~~
|The WAVE generator| Once upon a time there was a river. 'Sum' was passing by the river. He saw the water of the river that w...

3 years 前


Draw a 'N'!
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'N' using 0 and 1 . Example: n=5 ans= [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ...

3 years 前


Draw 'H'
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'H' using 1 and 0. (x is odd and bigger than 2) Example: x=5 ans= [1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ...

3 years 前


Draw 'E'
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'E' using 1 and 0. (x is odd and bigger than 4) Example: x=5 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ...

3 years 前


Distance walked 1D
Suppose you go from position 7 to 10 to 6 to 4. Then you have walked 9 units of distance, since 7 to 10 is 3 units, 10 to 6 is 4...

3 years 前


Volume of a box
Given a box with a length a, width b, and height c. Solve the volume of the box.

3 years 前


Swap two numbers
Example Input: a = 10 b = 20 Output a = 20 b = 10

3 years 前


Find nearest prime number less than input number
Find nearest prime number less than input number. For example: if the input number is 125, then the nearest prime number whi...

3 years 前


No Twins?
Write a function that accepts as input a vector and returns the same vector, but retaining only the first occurrence of an eleme...

3 years 前


Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees.

3 years 前


Binary Coder
Take an input number and print the binary value of this number.

3 years 前


Find max prime number
Given integer number n. Find the max prime number (mpn) that smaller than or equal to n. Example: n = 10 --> mpn = 7

3 years 前


Convert Hard Drive marketing sizes to actual data sizes
Hard drive sizes are typically marketed using the decimal meaning of prefixes, whereas RAM uses binary meanings. For example: ...

3 years 前


Back to basics 21 - Matrix replicating
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input matrix, generate an output matrix that consists o...

3 years 前


Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

3 years 前


Create a two dimensional zero matrix
You have to create a zero matrix of size (mxn) whose inputs are m and n and the elements of your matrix should be zeros. Exam...

3 years 前


Swap the first and last columns
Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becomes the first. All oth...

3 years 前


02 - Vector Variables 3
Make the following variable: <<http://samle.dk/STTBDP/Assignment1_2c.png>> (all the numbers from 5 to -5 in increments of ...

3 years 前
