Perform elementwise substitution of vector of scalars into vector of equations.
Hi It is my understanding that you want substitute every value of t in each equation d. d = t^2/2 t^2 (3*t^...

3 years 前 | 0

how to create a loop of subfolders
Hi, It is my understanding that you want to create subfloders in loop. You may find this answer helpful.

3 years 前 | 0

How can I solve a sum of two variables function?
Hi Enzo, It is my understanding that you want to find intergation of series sum. You may these answers helpful Integration of ...

3 years 前 | 1

Creating output for quadradic roots that displays i if imaginary
Hi You may find Matlab "roots" useful to find roots of quadratic equation.

3 years 前 | 0

Arduino to Matlab Code
Hi Arduino code cannot be directly converted to matlab code. However you can use the following documentation "Getting Started ...

3 years 前 | 0

Defined domain integral(convoulution) in simulink
Hi It is my understanding that you want to do convolution of two matrices. You may find this documentation "2-D Convolution" ...

3 years 前 | 0

How to solve this error? Error:"Nonlinear iteration is not converging with step size reduced to hmin (9.59393e-15) at time 2.70045. Try reducing the minimum step size and/or relax the relative error tolerance."
Hi, This may occur when one of your signals is either diverging to +infinity or -infinity or changing too rapidly based on solv...

3 years 前 | 0

How to chamg a path
Hi Hazhan Majeed Here path means the location where your dataset has been saved. You can load your data by following line of c...

3 years 前 | 0

'Too many input arguments.' error (arima command)
Hi Seraphic, Can you share the details of Matlab version you are using?

3 years 前 | 0

Can I call my .m file code which is in regard with Deep Learning and applying LSTM?
Hi You may find this answer helpful.

3 years 前 | 0

Calculate frequency and rate of change of frequency
Hi To find the frequency components present in a signal, the signal can be transformed into frequency domain and frequencies ca...

4 years 前 | 0

Convolve vector with audio file
Hi Matthew Strunks It is my understanding that you want to convolve your audio signal and FIR filter. Since convolution in tim...

4 years 前 | 0

How do i reduce running time in this code
Hi Tzach Berlinsky, In the code you have provided using nested loops is not necessary. Since the body of loops is executed only...

4 years 前 | 0

The Value of ValidaitonData is invalid
Hi, You may find this answer helpful.

4 years 前 | 0

Spliting ground truth data into 70% for training, 30% for Validation
Hi Abdussalam Elhanashi It is my understand that you want to create a dataset from existing data for validation purpose. You m...

4 years 前 | 0

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Creating Fourier Analysis Code
Hi George Rodriguez, It is my understanding that you want to analyze a composite signal i.e., sum of different frequency signal...

4 years 前 | 0

Probability of error for non-coherent FSK
Hi Zaki Ahmad, You may find the following link helpful. Performance of noncoherent FSK in AWGN channel.

4 years 前 | 0

Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK)
Hi AHMAD, It is my understanding that you want to modulate your data using DPSK. If you have your message data, feel free to u...

4 years 前 | 0

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Data input for CNN training
Hi Junjie Huang You may find this answer helpful.

4 years 前 | 0

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Fuzzy text in MATLAB Live Editor
Hi Charles Refvem, This issue has been brought to the notice of developers. They may investigate further.

4 years 前 | 0

How to find Hue and chroma values of images
Hi SNEHAMOL K You can try first converting the image color from L*a*b* color space to RGB color space using "lab2rgb" and the...

4 years 前 | 0

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Transsmiter image through QPSK modulate
Hi shmuel manashirov, To do QPSK modulation on any data, first you need to create an object to QPSK modulator. You can create ...

4 years 前 | 0

Feedforward Nueral Networks Training
Hi Felicia Ojinji, It is my understanding that you want to calculate how much time has been taken by your network to train. Yo...

4 years 前 | 0

rows and columns in array
Hi Rachel Ramirez, It is my understanding that you want To check how many times a number repeats in a particular row or colum...

4 years 前 | 0

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Concatenating multiple NetCDF files
Hi Tim Holgate, You may find this answer helpful.

4 years 前 | 0

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How to use Deep Learning Toolbox - FOR DATASET NOT IMAGES
Hi Matt Egan, It is my understanding that you want to know how to train a network with dataset which is not an image dataset. H...

4 years 前 | 0

How to read out the strings from this Excel file?
Hi Leon, You can try using the following line of code. [~,~,T] = xlsread ('test.xlsx');

4 years 前 | 0

How to understand the symbolic inverse fourier transform result?
Hi Fast Car, This issue of working with ifourier has been brought to the notice of developers. They may investigate the matter...

4 years 前 | 0

How do I set my script for FFT of a physiological signal?
Hi It is my understanding that you want to plot single sided amplitude spectrum of a signal. As per my understanding, the i...

4 years 前 | 0

How to upload multi files of .mat, then convert to image and crop the center region of the outcome image ? Automatically
Hi Mohamed Elbeialy, It is my understanding that you want to load a mat file , covert it into image and work on it. To unders...

4 years 前 | 0
