convert a py.str to a matlab string
For generic conversion of Python variables to MATLAB variables, try py2mat.m, and for the reverse (Python to MATLAB), mat2py.m. ...

3 years 前 | 0

Convert MATLAB Code to Python Code (.ipynb)
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt N = 500 M = np.diag(np.ones((N-1,)),1) + np.diag(np...

3 years 前 | 0

| 已接受

How do I create a 3 dimensional surface from X Y Z points
Since you're starting in Python you can make the surface plot there too if you want. This is a translation of @Star Strider's m...

3 years 前 | 0

unable to resolve the name py.function error
Couple of things to try: 1) change the execution mode to InProcess >> pyenv('ExecutionMode', 'InProcess') 2) open a terminal ...

3 years 前 | 1

Python function to Matlab
Looks like monthly_raw_data is a Pandas dataframe. Can you post a small input file (.csv or other) that loads into a representa...

3 years 前 | 0

Convert numpy ndarray to matlab mlarray in python
Looks like you're making the data load unnecessarily complicated. The file actually loads cleanly into a NumPy array: from sci...

3 years 前 | 0

| 已接受

How to get frequencies of a s parameter object in python
Let's see what is in your variable sp. Make a small version of it, save it to a .mat file, and attach the .mat file here.

3 years 前 | 0

Convert numpy ndarray to matlab mlarray in python
Now I'm curious what is in your variable x. Can you make a small version of this data, write it to a .mat file, then attach the...

3 years 前 | 0

Matlab 2019a Ubuntu 20 Python 3.7.12 "Path argument does not specify a valid executable"
Does the command pyenv work in 2019a? If yes, what output does it show? 2020b uses pyenv to show what MATLAB thinks the Python...

3 years 前 | 0

System command and Unix parallelisation
Independently of MATLAB, can you run run_command_1_para.sh directly from a Unix terminal and get the behavior you want? If that...

3 years 前 | 0

Convert numpy ndarray to matlab mlarray in python
Which version of MATLAB? 2020a and newer (I don't have easy access to older versions) should just be able to do >> mx = doubl...

3 years 前 | 0

Calling python modules gives ModuleNotFoundError.
Does the MATLAB code change directories before calling the import command? If you interactively invoke the import in a fresh MA...

3 years 前 | 0

How to transfer Big Data from Python Dict to Matlab
Alternatively, write your Big Data dictionary directly to a MATLAB .mat file as described here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlab...

3 years 前 | 0

convert a Python tuple containing string and numerical data types to Matlab
The SciPy module has a function, savemat, which can write Python variables to MATLAB .m files. Your tuple can be written to tes...

3 years 前 | 0