
Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 2)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 and 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right ...

1 year 前


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 1)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 et 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right...

1 year 前


Recurring Cycle Length (Inspired by Project Euler Problem 26)
Preface: This problem is inspired by Project Euler Problem 26 and uses text from that question to explain what a recurring cycle...

1 year 前


Project Euler: Problem 18, Maximum path sum I
By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum total from top to bott...

1 year 前


Project Euler: Problem 16, Sums of Digits of Powers of Two
2^15 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26. What is the sum of the digits of the number 2^N? Thanks ...

1 year 前


Longest Collatz Sequence
Inspired by Projet Euler n°14. The Collatz iterative sequence (See Cody problem n° 2103 and 211) is defined for the set of po...

1 year 前


Project Euler: Problem 14, Longest Collatz sequence
The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers: n → n/2 (n is even) n → 3n + 1 (n is odd) U...

1 year 前


Consecutive Equation Times (of the day)
Many times throughout the day can represent mathematical equations. In this problem, we focus on the largest consecutive run of ...

1 year 前


The Tortoise and the Hare - 02
Previous problem <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/45425-the-tortoise-and-the-hare-01> Suppose in an inf...

1 year 前


The Tortoise and the Hare - 01
Suppose in an infinitely long line, the hare is standing in position 0. From that place, it can jump either in the +ve direct...

1 year 前


Coin distribution
Imagine, u r in a shop. ur bill is n(2200). u want to pay the bill with minimum no of coins u have. u've coins of - 2000,1000...

1 year 前


No longer able to rate difficulty of qustions on Cody
I recently have found that I am no longer able to give my difficulty rating for questions on Cody after sucessfully completing a...

1 year 前 | 2 个回答 | 2




Piecewise linear interpolation
Given an Mx2 vector and a row of M-1 integers, output a two column vector that linearly interpolates Y times between each succes...

1 year 前


Slope intercept application
Find y given slope (m), x, and y intercept (b).

1 year 前


Matrix Quadrants
Write a function that takes N as the input, and outputs a matrix whose upper-left (NxN) quadrant contains all ones, the lower-ri...

1 year 前


GJam 2014 China Rd B: Sudoku Checker
This Challenge is derived from <http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2929486/dashboard#s=p0 GJam 2014 China Sudoku>. Large Cas...

2 years 前


Volume Pillar
Calculate the volume of a pillar with radius l and heigth ar.

2 years 前


Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

2 years 前


Perimeter of a semicircle
Given the diameter d, find the perimeter of a semicircle

2 years 前


Given a square and a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
You know the side of a square and the diameter of a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.

2 years 前


Approximation of Pi
Pi (divided by 4) can be approximated by the following infinite series: pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + ... For a given number of...

2 years 前


Pi Digit Probability
Assume that the next digit of pi constant is determined by the historical digit distribution. What is the probability of next di...

2 years 前


radius of a spherical planet
You just measured its surface area, that is the input.

2 years 前


Pi Estimate 1
Estimate Pi as described in the following link: <http://www.people.virginia.edu/~teh1m/cody/Pi_estimation1.pdf>

2 years 前


Calculate area of sector
A=function(r,seta) r is radius of sector, seta is angle of sector, and A is its area. Area of sector A is defined as 0.5*(r^2...

2 years 前


Draw a 'Z'.
Given _n_ as input, generate a n-by-n matrix like 'Z' by _0_ and _1_ . Example: n=5 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ...

2 years 前


Draw a 'X'!
Given n as input Draw a 'X' in a n-by-n matrix. example: n=3 y=[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] n=4 y=[1 0 0...

2 years 前


Draw 'O' !
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'O' using 0 and 1 . example: n=4 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 ...

2 years 前


Draw a 'N'!
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'N' using 0 and 1 . Example: n=5 ans= [1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ...

2 years 前


Draw 'J'
Given n as input, generate a n-by-n matrix 'J' using 0 and 1 . Example: n=5 ans= [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ...

2 years 前
