
middleAsColumn: Return all but first and last element as a column vector
Given input A, return all but the first and last elements, arranged as a column vector. (I.e., all dimensions after the first s...

7 years 前


Remove the two elements next to NaN value
The aim is to *remove the two elements next to NaN values* inside a vector. For example: x = [6 10 5 8 9 NaN 23 9 7 3 21 ...

7 years 前


We love vectorized solutions. Problem 1 : remove the row average.
Given a 2-d matrix, remove the row average from each row. Your solution MUST be vectorized. The solution will be tested for ac...

7 years 前


Fill a zeros matrix
The aim is to fill an array of all zeros given a numerical value and the index of row and columns for this value. 3 Inputs: ...

7 years 前


Getting the indices from a matrice
Getting the indices from a matrice. Inspired by Problem 645. Getting the indices from a vector by the great Doug Hull. Given a...

7 years 前


"Low : High - Low : High - Turn around " -- Create a subindices vector
Let two vectors *lo* and *hi* be given. The job is to create a index vector like so idx = [lo(1):hi(1) lo(2):hi(2) ...]...

7 years 前


intersection of matrices
Given two matrices filled with ones and zeros, determine if they share a common row, column entry. These matrices are of identi...

7 years 前


Get the elements of diagonal and antidiagonal for any m-by-n matrix
In the problem <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/858-permute-diagonal-and-antidiagonal Problem 858. Permute ...

7 years 前


Create logical matrix with a specific row and column sums
Given two numbers *|n|* and *|s|*, build an |n-by-n| logical matrix (of only zeros and ones), such that both the row sums and th...

7 years 前


Put two time series onto the same time basis
Use interpolation to align two time series onto the same time vector. This is a problem that comes up in <http://www.mathwork...

7 years 前


Construct an index vector from two input vectors in vectorized fashion
Create an index vector defined by two input vectors, one defining the beginnings of one or more index ranges, and the other defi...

7 years 前


Longest run of consecutive numbers
Given a vector a, find the number(s) that is/are repeated consecutively most often. For example, if you have a = [1 2 2 2 1 ...

7 years 前


Joining Ranges
You are given a n-by-2 matrix. Each row represents a numeric range, e.g. x = [0 5; 10 3; 20 15; 16 19; 25 25] contains...

7 years 前


Return a list sorted by number of consecutive occurrences
Inspired by Problem 38 by Cody Team. Given a vector x, return a vector y of the values in x sorted by the number of CONSECUTIVE...

7 years 前


Piecewise linear interpolation
Given an Mx2 vector and a row of M-1 integers, output a two column vector that linearly interpolates Y times between each succes...

7 years 前


Roll the Dice!
*Description* Return two random integers between 1 and 6, inclusive, to simulate rolling 2 dice. *Example* [x1,x2] =...

7 years 前


Project Euler: Problem 1, Multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23...

7 years 前


Say something funny
Say something funny, or not. Your solution will be (fully automatically and objectively) scored based on how clever or funny ...

7 years 前


Convert decimal to binary and then generate the minimum binary it can with jumbling
input is 10 --> 1010 output should be 3 --> 0011 input 23 --> 10111 output should be 15 --> 01111

7 years 前


Determinant of a 3x3 Matrix
Return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix. The built-in Matlab function det is not allowed.

7 years 前


Make an N-dimensional Multiplication Table
*INSTRUCTIONS* This is a multi-dimensional variant of the normal multiplication table used to teach elementary students multi...

7 years 前


Return the Nth Output from an Input Command
*Description* Given _F_, a cell array whose first element is a function handle and subsequent elements are arguments, return ...

7 years 前


Beat the test suite if you can :)
Solve this problem based on clues in the test suite.

7 years 前


Text processing - Help Johnny write a letter home from camp
Johnny overuses the word 'great'. Write a script that will help him with this and future letters. If a sentence contains more ...

7 years 前


Bottles of beer
Given an input number representing the number of bottles of beer on the wall, output how many are left if you take one down and ...

7 years 前


How many bottles
Sometimes if you buy a drink in a glass bottle you can return that bottle and get some money back. Let's assume we have "x" amo...

7 years 前


Basic commands - Greatest common divisor
Please write a function, which, will put as output greatest common divisor. Example: A = [-5 17; 10 0];...

7 years 前


Basic commands - rounding
make a function which will round to integer, which is nearer to zero. Example x=[-2.5 2]; y=[-2 2];

7 years 前


Which coins to give
I was in shop today. I admired, how shop assistant had to think, which coins to give me. The task is we have a vector v=[0.5 0....

7 years 前


Give the Shortest Path Through The Maze
*Description* The purpose of this problem is to give the shortest path through a maze. The maze will be provided in a codifie...

7 years 前
