Export to a fixed width text file
Use sprintf / fprintf Here is an example of making everything 16 characters wide: A={'s09' 1111222003 321 'P' 'ehz';'z09...

12 years 前 | 0

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How to do this programming
You don't actually want 5 different variables. You want to reshape the variable and index into it. Example: X = 1:20; ...

12 years 前 | 0

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Question about optimizing reading data from text file
You may want to use fread and regexp. Without seeing your file, I can't say for sure this will produce the same result, but i...

12 years 前 | 0

Reading/Finding data withing column
[~,ind] = ismember([1 1 0],constants(1:3,:),'rows'); constants(ind,4)

12 years 前 | 0

How do I remove duplicates from a structure array?
It's not pretty, but this should work: isUnique = true(size(animals)); for ii = 1:length(animals)-1 for jj = ...

12 years 前 | 2

How can I sort a matrix according to column IDs and identify same combinations?
*Accumarray* would come in handy here. It's a rather useful function, but might take a little bit of reading to understand it co...

12 years 前 | 0

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Most efficient way to generate combinations
You can use allcomb (which can be found <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10064-allcomb here>) a = (1:20...

12 years 前 | 0

Convert Cell to Number for Plotting
help str2double doc str2double

12 years 前 | 0

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Sorting the name field in dir command
[~,ind]=sort({xlsFiles.name}); W = xlsFiles(ind);

12 years 前 | 1


Recursive Directory Searching for Multiple File Specs
Searches a directory for multiple file specs with optional recursivity

12 years 前 | 7 次下载 |

4.75 / 5

Using conditional breakpoints to print out value
Yes sir. It takes a bit of creativity. Here's an example. Let's print out "Hi" each time mod(ii,2) == 0. iff(mod(ii,2),f...

12 years 前 | 1

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scaling a vector from 352800x1 to 300000x1 by cutting last 52800 row elements?
x = rand(352800,1); x(300001:end) = []; size(x)

12 years 前 | 0

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Speeding up code: pre-allocation, vectorization, parfor, spmd....
It's really hard to say what exactly you can do without knowing the nature of what is inside those for-loops. Some ideas come...

12 years 前 | 1


Trimming the Size of a Array of Structures in a MEX file
Hi all. So i'm having a bit of an issue array of structures in a MEX file. I first initialize the array of structures to size...

12 years 前 | 1 个回答 | 0




Output any real number that is neither positive nor negative
Output any real number that is neither positive nor negative

12 years 前


Target sorting
Sort the given list of numbers |a| according to how far away each element is from the target value |t|. The result should return...

12 years 前


Candystripe a Plot and Legend
Adds candystriping to a given object, and automatically updates the legend entry as well.

12 years 前 | 3 次下载 |

0.0 / 5

what will be value of 'b' when 'a' is equal to 0(zero)
help interp1 doc interp1

12 years 前 | 0

That sounds like its in Universal Trans Mercator (UTM) coordinates. There are a few utm to geodetic coordinate transforms availi...

12 years 前 | 0

How to import a country map with counties and have Matlab recognize the various counties?
Assuming you have the mapping toolbox, you could just import it via a shape file. They can be found below: <ftp://ftp2.census...

12 years 前 | 2

logical indexing with a smaller array should throw a warning
This is an interesting proposition. While I'm very much against throwing an error in this case, I would be open to having a warn...

12 years 前 | 0

How to: Axis Xtick steps
xbounds = xlim; set(gca,'XTick',xbounds(1):xbounds(2));

12 years 前 | 7

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Problems with xlsread function
I can't seem to recreate the problem. Try clearing and closing everything: values = {1, 2, 3 ; 4, 5, 'x' ; 7, 8, 9} head...

12 years 前 | 0

passing 'varagin' and getting inputname() to work properly
You could use "evalin" In your example it would be something like: function struct = temp( varargin ) struct = ...

12 years 前 | 0

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How can I increase the size of data points in a discrete plot
Try the property MarkerSize. if true fig = open('myFig.fig'); hold on plot(xdata,ydata,'xg','MarkerSize',16); e...

12 years 前 | 1

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A bug of build-in function Char?
This is where MATLAB differs from C. C will assume that 0 is the end of the string. MATLAB has explicit start and end points of ...

12 years 前 | 1

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Using vertcat on multidimensional array data
x = rand(55,365,100); x_new = reshape(permute(x,[ 1 3 2 ]),5500,[]);

12 years 前 | 3

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What is the code?
skewness is simple 2 divided by the square root of the shape parameter for gamma distributions. Here's an example. skewness...

12 years 前 | 0

how to detect folder address
You might consider mfilename pathh = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')) help mfilename doc mfilename

12 years 前 | 0

I'm trying to find if certain points are inside or outside a polygon
help inpolygon doc inpolygon

12 years 前 | 2
