
Parasitic numbers
Test whether the first input x is an n-parasitic number: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitic_number>. ( _n_ is the second in...

1 year 前


Find the 9's Complement
Find the 9's complement of the given number. An example of how this works is <http://electrical4u.com/9s-complement-and-10s-c...

1 year 前


Toads and Frogs Puzzle
On a one-dimensional board with n + m + 1 cells, there are n counters in the first n cells representing Toads and m counters in ...

1 year 前


Spot the rectangle (Part 2)
This problem is related to the 17x17 challenge. See also Part 1 of this problem. Given a matrix in which each element is either ...

1 year 前


Spot the rectangle
This problem is related to the 17x17 challenge. Given a matrix filled with ones and zeros, determine whether or not any rectangl...

1 year 前


Pascal's Matrix
Given an integer n &ge; 0, generate the ( _n_+1) &times; ( _n_+1) lower triangular <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_matrix P...

1 year 前


Space Saver
Remove all characters that are below a space in ASCII value.

1 year 前


Reverse the Words (not letters) of a String
*Description* Change the words of a string such that the words appear in reverse order. You may assume that the string is a n...

1 year 前


Find Rotated Substring
Given a string s1, find if a rotated version of s1 is present in a second string s2. For example, rotated version of some str...

1 year 前


Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...

1 year 前


letter yes yes & letter no no
Split a string into two strings, wherein the first string has all alphabetic letters and the second string has all the remaining...

1 year 前


Compress strings (not springs)
Please remove excess space, limit one space between others, and no space before punctuation marks. * For example, 'Trendy , ...

1 year 前


Bang Bang in Bangalore
Imagine a strange language disorder, Bangolangosis, has developed among trigonometricians of <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banga...

1 year 前


Formatting currency numbers
Given a number, format it properly for textual display using the notation $xxx,xxx,xxx.xx. Assume that no more than two digits ...

1 year 前


English to Pig Latin Translator
Pig latin is a faux-language based off of English. The rules are as follows (excerpted from the wikipedia entry for Pig Latin): ...

1 year 前


Pig Latin to English Translator
Pig latin is a faux-language based off of English. The rules are as follows (excerpted from the <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi...

1 year 前


Use of regexp
Given a string, containing several sentences, such as: 'I played piano. John played football. Anita went home. Are you safe?...

1 year 前


String substitution, sub problem to cryptoMath
This is a sub problem related to this problem: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/621-cryptomath-addition>...

1 year 前


Convert a structure into a string
Convert the contents of each fields into a string. Example with an input structure s with 2 fields : s.age = '33' s....

1 year 前


QWERTY Shift Code Decoder
Decode a string encoded using the QWERTY shift code. QWERTY shift code is where the message was touch typed but with an offse...

1 year 前


Find mistyped words in text (mixed-up letters)
Mistyped words are a regular occurrence in emails, texts, status updates, and the like. Many times, people send or post a second...

1 year 前


Matrix to 3-Column Matrix
Consider a matrix *A* such as A = [1 2 3 3 4 5 6; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; Can you convert this matrix to a three-column ...

1 year 前


Block average ignoring NaN values
Given a matrix, calculate the block average of each disjoint sub-matrix while ignoring *NaN* values. Assume that the size of the...

1 year 前


Block average
Given a matrix, calculate the block average of each disjoint sub-matrix of the same size. Assume that the size of the matrix alo...

1 year 前


Crunch that matrix!
You are given an M x N matrix. Write a script that will compress this matrix into an M x (N/3) matrix, where each of the terms ...

1 year 前


Moving Product (Easy)
Given an input array A, write a function *movprod(A,k,dim)* to calculate the moving product over a sliding window of length *k* ...

1 year 前


Fill the Matrix - 2
Input is a column vector and n. n columns will be added to the left of the input column. The first value of the row is the me...

1 year 前


Fill the matrix - 1
Input is a column vector and n. n columns will be added to the left of the input column. The first value of the row is the s...

1 year 前


Maximum of each diagonal
The well-known <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/max.html max> function can operate along either the rows or the columns...

1 year 前


Minimum of each diagonal
The well-known <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/min.html min> function can operate along either the rows or the columns...

1 year 前
