
Sum of diagonals elements of a matrix
Given a matrix, return the sum of all the elements across the diagonals. E.g. A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9;...

11 years 前


Perfect Square or not
find Given input x is perfect square or not,if yes then output y=1.else y=0

11 years 前


Factorial Numbers
Factorial is multiplication of integers. So factorial of 6 is 720 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4* 5 *6 Thus 6 factorial = factorial(720)....

11 years 前


construct matrix with identical rows
Input a row vector such as x=1:10. Now we need to construct a matrix with L rows,of which every row vector is a copy of x. E...

11 years 前