
Dice roll - lateral faces
For this problem, you will be provided with the values of a dice roll (regular six-sided dice). The number of dice will be at le...

4 months 前


Number Puzzle - 119

4 months 前


List numbers that are not squares
The numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, etc. are not perfect squares. Write a function to list the th term in ...

4 months 前


The last non-zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, what is the last non-zero digit of n!? Example: factorial(11) = 39916800 Last non-zero d...

4 months 前


Given a Polyshape_01 (ps) Return its Perimeter, Area, and Centroid.
Return the perimeter (P) of a polyshape object, which is the sum of the lengths of its boundaries. Return the total area (A) of...

4 months 前


Compute the dispersion coefficient
A contaminant dumped or spilled into a river will move downstream with the flow, but it will also spread in the flow direction b...

4 months 前


Deriving a function using the difference quotient
Write a function that evaluates the derivative of a function in a given point using the well-know formula of the difference quot...

4 months 前


Extract Increasing Integers from Digit String
Given a string containing only digits, the function get_integers should return the list of increasing integers obtained by readi...

4 months 前


Determine if a Digit is Isolated
A digit is considered isolated if both its left and right neighbors are different from itself. For example, in the number 776444...

4 months 前


Creating a matrix by taking shifted copies of a given vector v as columns
This problem is the same as the problem 761 except that here we are testing it for any given vector ; a row or column vector. Th...

4 months 前


Draw the Greek letter 'α'
Given the dimensions of a matrix nRow and nCol where nCol > nRow, draw the Greek letter 'α' with 1's and 0's. You can consider t...

4 months 前


Find the Peak Particle Velocity on a ETL structure
PPV is a vibration parameter that can connect stress to a structure, it is measured in mm/s or mm/s-1. The higher the PPV the mo...

4 months 前


Gray Image

4 months 前


List the partitions of an integer
Several Cody problems deal with partitions of an integer, or the ways an integer can be written as the sum of positive numbers—...

4 months 前


area of a square
find the generic solution for an area of a square

4 months 前



4 months 前


Sort the prime numbers in each row of a matrix
Considering a 3x3 matrix A, sort the prime numbers of each row in ascending order. For exemple: input A=[5 8 2 4; ...

4 months 前


Create the flag of Ramumbia
The little known nation of Ramumbia has a very simple flag. It is made up of vertical stripes, Red, Green, Blue, that are equall...

4 months 前


Convert Cylindrical Cooridinates into Spherical Coordinate
For Cylindrical coordinate point, rho, fie (degrees) and z. Convert these points in Spherical Cooridinate System and save result...

4 months 前


Flag a convertible string
If a string is able to be entirely converted to an integer, return a "true" flag. Otherwise, return a false flag. For example: ...

4 months 前


Basic Monte Carlo Simulation
Input is a matrix including service time and probability of service time. Another input is a random number. Function should tran...

4 months 前


¿Es una función exponencial?
Crea una función que permita analizar si los datos dados por el usuario ( *x* e *y*) se relacionan por medio de una función expo...

4 months 前


Find the coefficients for numerical integration using Simpson's rule
For using numerical integration using Simpson's rule, we need some coefficients to be determined first. Suppose the n is the nu...

4 months 前


Eliminate Outliers Using Interquartile Range
Given a vector with your "data" find the outliers and remove them. To determine whether data contains an outlier: # Identi...

4 months 前


Fixed-Point Iteration
Perform fixed-point iteration to estimate the root of a nonlinear equation.

4 months 前


A different counting method
Given an array (x) of integers, the "counting" array (y) is showing the number of identical consecutive integers in x in front o...

4 months 前


Length of shortest path in a directed graph.
Given a directed graph and a start and end node in the graph, return the minimum number of hops required to reach the end node f...

4 months 前


Matrix Transposition
Given a matrix and an index, perform matrix transposition as follows - Replace non-corner value of ith ring from outside, with...

4 months 前
