
String Manipulator
Write a script that takes a string as an input and returns a cell array containing – I. the count of vowels. II. Find the ind...

4 months 前


Time reverse indices
Time reverse the index values as follows IndexIn = [7 1 0] IndexOut = [7 6 0] Note that the indices are zero based and so...

4 months 前


Find smallest integer type to accommodate your number
MATLAB supports 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-byte storage for integer data. Find the smallest integer type to accomodate a scalar integer. ...

4 months 前


USC Fall 2012 ACM : Code Word Minimum Flipped Bits
This Challenge is to solve Question A of the <http://contest.usc.edu/index.php/Fall12/Home USC ACM Fall 2012 Contest>. Given ...

4 months 前


Optimally fill a container with elements of different sizes
Given a row vector V of different numerical values and a size limit L, return a 1x2 vector A, containing (a) the largest sum of ...

4 months 前


Sum along each diagonal of a matrix
Write a routine that returns the sums along the diagonals of a given matrix, A, where the first diagonal is the bottom left corn...

4 months 前


Sales Tax

4 months 前


Concatenated Consecutive Prime

4 months 前


Decay Constant

4 months 前


Find left eigenvector of row stochastic matrix
Find the left eigenvector of the given stochastic matrix P that has eigenvalue 1. Normalize the vector so the sum of the entri...

4 months 前


Find the shortest distance between a point and a straight line.
Given the Cartesian coordinates of three points A, B and C (in a flat Euclidean space), find the shortest distance between the ...

4 months 前


Cancel Middle
Write a function called cancel_middle that takes A, an n-by-m matrix, as an input where both n and m are odd numbers an...

4 months 前


Number Puzzle - 112

4 months 前


Number Puzzle - 106

4 months 前


Number Puzzle - 093

4 months 前


Number Puzzle - 074

4 months 前


Area under the curve
Compute area under the curve specified by points stored in y, where y is in range (0,inf) and x time step is 1. note: please r...

4 months 前


List composite numbers that do not contain their prime factors as substrings
The number 63 has the prime factorization 3, 3, and 7, and it contains one of them (3) as a substring. In contrast, the number 4...

4 months 前


Draw a fancy '7' in a zero matrix!
Given a x-by-x matrix filled with zeros (x is odd and > 3). Use 7s to draw a number 7 into it! Like this: x = 5, y = 7 7 7 7 7...

4 months 前


Return longest string in 1-D array of strings
Find the longest string in an array of strings. Return an empty string if the initial array is empty. If there are multiple stri...

4 months 前


Guess the logic

4 months 前


Efficiency of a single phase Transformer
Calculate the efficiency of a single phase transformer whose KVA rating is A KVA, loading factor x,power factor p,full load copp...

4 months 前


Compute average gain for some bets.
Given a vector containg the odds of some events in decimal format (e.g., |odds=[1.3 2.5 1.5]| ) and a vector of the same dimensi...

4 months 前


Permutation Via Multiplication
Given two numbers a and b, determine if the product ab is a permutation of the digits of a. For example, this is always true for...

4 months 前


Let's create histogram data by yourself.
We'd like to create histogram data, which first column shows the data, and second column shows the frequency. input = [1, 2, 1,...

4 months 前


Dial Up
Each number on telephone keypads, except 0 and 1, corresponds to a set of uppercase letters as shown in this list: 2 ABC, 3 DEF...

4 months 前


Set a Soroban Abacus
*Description* This problem is the inverse of <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/136-read-a-soroban-abacus ...

4 months 前


Simple Income Tax

4 months 前


Center of Mass(es) in 3D Space
Given a matrix of format [x1,y1,z1,m1; x2,y2,z2,m2 . . .], return the center of mass of all listed points in 3d space [xc,yc,zc]...

4 months 前
