
Dots in a Sphere
Return how many integer grid points there are inside a 3D sphere of radius _r_ centred at (0,0,0) (including points on the edge)...

11 years 前 | 1 | 61 个解题者


Dots in a Sphere
Return how many integer grid points there are inside a 3D sphere of radius _r_ centred at (0,0,0) (including points on the edge)...

11 years 前


Divisors of an integer
Given a number N, return a vector V of all integers that divide N. For example, N = 10 Then V=[1 2 5 10]

11 years 前


Colon operator of two vectors
You are given two vectors of equal length: VecStart, VecEnd Each vector contain a set of integers, where VecEnd(j)>=VecStar...

11 years 前


matrix of natural number
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 resides seially as shown in the examples below. ...

11 years 前


find root mean square of a signal x in less time than the test code and accurate to six places.

11 years 前


Function composition - harder
Write a function that accepts an arbitrary number of function handles f_1, f_2, ..., f_n and returns the composition h. That is,...

11 years 前


wait for me
wait exactly x seconds please, need not be more than 2 seconds but must be accurate within say 50 milliseconds, your function mu...

11 years 前


Matrix with different incremental runs
Given a vector of positive integers a (>=0); How does one create the matrix where the ith column contains the vector 1:a(i) poss...

11 years 前


Magic is simple (for beginners)
Determine for a magic square of order n, the magic sum m. For example m=15 for a magic square of order 3.

11 years 前


Find Index of maximum Value and maximum Value of a vector
Find the Index of the first occurrence of the maximum value in a vector and also the maximum value in the vector. Example: [...

11 years 前


Triangular Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_tiling Triangular Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radi...

11 years 前


Triangular Tiling Dots in a Circle
Return how many <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_tiling Triangular Tiling> grid points there are inside a circle of radi...

11 years 前 | 0 | 29 个解题者


Replace all zeros and NaNs in a matrix with the string 'error'
Given a numeric input matrix A, possibly containing some zero values and some NaNs, replace any occurrences of zero or NaN with ...

11 years 前


Match the given string based on first two characters on each string. For example A='harsa'; b='harish'; result '1' ...

11 years 前


Next Higher Power of B
|Given a number _n_ and a base _B_ greater than 1, return the lowest integer power of _B_ that is greater than or equal to _n_. ...

11 years 前


Vectorizing, too easy or too hard?
Please insert a . before any ^, * or / in the string. That's it!!

11 years 前


Double Deal
*Description* Given an input vector _v_, return the first element as the first output, the second element as the second outpu...

11 years 前


Eight Queens Solution Checker
Write a function to verify whether an arrangement of queens on a chessboard is a valid solution to the classic <http://en.wikipe...

11 years 前


Einsteinium-253 decay
Radioactive Einsteinium-253 has a half-life of 1,768,608 seconds. Given 1000mg of Einsteinium-253 at t=0 days, how much is lef...

11 years 前


Convert from Base 10 to base 5
Convert the input number from base 10 into base 5: for example: if a(in base 10)= 5 then a(in base 5)= 10

11 years 前


Fizz Buzz
Given an array of positive, non-zero, integers, return a cell array of strings the same size as the input, where each element in...

11 years 前


We love vectorized solutions. Problem 1 : remove the row average.
Given a 2-d matrix, remove the row average from each row. Your solution MUST be vectorized. The solution will be tested for ac...

11 years 前


* Given a function 'foo', and a position 'there', find the root near 'there'. * For example: If foo=@sin, and there=3.1, then r...

11 years 前


Create matrix of replicated elements
Given an input element x, and the dimensions, (m, n) return a matrix of size m x n filled with element x. Example: Input: ...

11 years 前


Set defaults
Write a function that computes the volume of a cube. The function should be able to accept three inputs: the length, width, and...

11 years 前


Mersenne Primes
A Mersenne prime is a prime number of the form M = 2^p - 1, where p is another prime number. For example, 31 is a Mersenne prim...

11 years 前


Find the nearest integer
Given a vector of integers and a real number find the closest integer. EX: >> a = [2 4 5 6 8 10]; >> b = 4.6; >> nea...

11 years 前


Sort numbers by outside digits
Sort the array so that they are sorted as if their value was a 5 digit number made from the first three and last two digits of t...

11 years 前


Convert a numerical matrix into a cell array of strings
Given a numerical matrix, output a *cell array of string*. For example: if input = 1:3 output is {'1','2','3'} whic...

11 years 前
