
Remove the Zero
Given an array n, remove all zeros

9 years 前


Remove the positive integers.
Given array,x, remove all the positive numbers and display ouput as y. Example x=[1 -2 3 -4] , output is y=[-2 -4].

9 years 前


Remove and Sort
Given a randomized array n, sort it and remove all odd integers. n=5 y = [2 4]

9 years 前


Wilf-Zeilberger pairs
Take as inputs two functions _F_ and _G_, and two scalar values _n_ and _k_. Test whether the functions are candidates to be a W...

9 years 前


Implement a counter
Write a function that returns a function that counts the number of times it is invoked. Example: >> h = counter; >> h() ...

9 years 前


In honor of Valentine's Day, program a love calculator that figures out the percentage of compatibility between two people using...

9 years 前


Convert String to Morse Code
Convert a given string to international <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code Morse Code> * Strings will only have [A-z], ...

9 years 前


Cody Computer Part 2 - Get the license number of Cody Computer
In the Cody computer investigation party, you may have already solved : <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems...

9 years 前


Person of interest?
given a person_of_interest, what is his_name?

9 years 前


Numbers with prime factors 2, 3 and 5.
Make a function which takes one positive integer n and returns a matrix with the numbers of the form (2^i)*(3^j)*(5^k) which are...

9 years 前


Spiral Matrix
for a given integer n>=3, generate a matrix of nxn such that the value n^2 is at bottom left and its decreasing towards center ...

9 years 前


Create a matrix from a cell
In this problem , you must convert a cell into a matrix and pad each cell with NaN. *Example 1:* If you have the input...

9 years 前


Center of mass
Given a matrix M(m,n), where m is the number of vertices of the geometrical element and n is 2 or 3 (2D-plane figure or 3D-solid...

9 years 前


How long do each of the stages of the rocket take to burn?
A space rocket has 3 stages: - stage 1, s1; - stage 2, s2; - stage 3, s3. If s1 burns 3 x as long as s2 which burns ...

9 years 前


fly fly away
A fly moves following a predefined sequence of discrete jumps (defined by the vectors _dx_ and _dy_) repeating the same sequence...

9 years 前


The objective of this problem is to determine the number of unique vowels used in the given string. Now count vowels in STRI...

9 years 前


Max index of 3D array
Given a three dimensional array M(m,n,p) write a code that finds the three coordinates x,y,z of the Maximum value. Example ...

9 years 前


Unique values without using UNIQUE function
You must return unique values in a vector in *stable* mode without using the unique function. About stable order flag: ...

9 years 前


pay it forward
THIS PROBLEM IS BEING RESCORED, PLEASE WAIT Return any number (integer between 0 and 65535) You will pass this problem if ...

9 years 前


Guess Cipher
Guess the formula to transform strings as follows: 'Hello World!' --> 'Ifmmp Xpsme!' 'Can I help you?' --> 'Dbo J ifmq zpv...

9 years 前


Trickier Timing
You solution should return control to main program only when the current time ends in either a 5 or 0 (e.g. the current seconds ...

9 years 前


Poker Series 01: isStraightFlush
The Poker Series consists of many short, well defined functions that when combined will lead to complex behavior. Our goal is t...

9 years 前


Permute diagonal and antidiagonal
Permute diagonal and antidiagonal For example [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] -> [3 2 1;4 5 6;9 8 7] WITHOUT diag function (and variable n...

9 years 前


Text processing - Help Johnny write a letter home from camp
Johnny overuses the word 'great'. Write a script that will help him with this and future letters. If a sentence contains more ...

9 years 前


Decode a simplified barcode
Given a bar code from this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/602-make-a-simplified-bar-code exercise>: Re...

9 years 前


Moving average (variable kernel length)
Find the moving average in a vector. The kernel length is a variable. For example x = 1:10 kernel_length = 2 would r...

9 years 前


Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (3)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

9 years 前


Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (2)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

9 years 前


intersection of matrices
Given two matrices filled with ones and zeros, determine if they share a common row, column entry. These matrices are of identi...

9 years 前


Find the distance between runs
Another question inspired by the <http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/?s_tid=gn_mlc_an answers forum>: A vector of ...

9 years 前
