
Radiation Heat Transfer — View Factors (1)
View factors (aka configuration factors) are utilized in some radiation heat transfer models to estimate heat transfer rates bet...

9 years 前


Array resizing: Removing elements
* Remove elements 2, 4, and 6 from row array pendingTasks

9 years 前


Count number of words in string
Count number of words in string E.g. 'hi', answer is 1 'hi hi', answer is 2 'I enjoy cody', answer is 3

9 years 前


Create an n-by-n null matrix and fill with ones certain positions
The positions will be indicated by a z-by-2 matrix. Each row in this z-by-2 matrix will have the row and column in which a 1 has...

9 years 前


Given two input, one matrix and one scalar number For example A is a matrix given A=[1 2 2 5 2 5 2 3 4 6 ...

9 years 前


Given two input, one matrix and one scalar number For example A is a matrix given A=[1 2 2 5 2 5 2 3 4 6 ...

9 years 前 | 2 | 46 个解题者


Minefield Sonar
*Background* In mine-hunting games (e.g. Microsoft Minesweeper), the user is provided with a covered grid that, upon a left c...

9 years 前


Justify the character string in center with proportional fonts
how to justify a string of character into center with proportional fonts? Example: x='justify string ' output is ' justif...

9 years 前


Function call in expression: Reduced pricing.
Write a single statement that assigns cartTotal with the discounted cost of items 1 and 2. Function DiscountedPrice will return ...

9 years 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds (volumes)
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

9 years 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - either bound
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

9 years 前


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_mixtures rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

9 years 前


Find out output of following expression
Find out output of following expression Q=2log10 x+cos π+√(5yz)+|x^2-y^2 |

9 years 前


Constructing column arrays
* Construct a column array elevatorStops with values 2, 4, 5, 9, and 10

9 years 前


Find out phase angle of second order system.
Find out the phase angle of a second order system. In a control system, the phase angle is given by the inverse of cos.

9 years 前


Construct an array
* Construct an array named observedValues with elements sensorReading1, sensorReading2, and sensorReading3.

9 years 前


Integer indexing array: Weekend box office
The row array movieBoxOffice stores the amount of money a movie makes (in millions of $) for the 7 days of a week, starting with...

9 years 前


Integer indexing array: Shift left
Write a *single* statement that shifts row array attendanceValues one position to the left. The rightmost element in shiftedValu...

9 years 前


Integer indexing array: Reverse subsets
Construct an indexing array copySubset so that the statement reversedOrder = origOrder(copySubset); results in a row array begin...

9 years 前


Logical indexing: Player scores
Player 1 and player 2 take turns playing a game. Row array gameScores contains the scores of player 1, then player 2, then playe...

9 years 前


Logical indexing: High scores
Row array gameScores contains all player scores. Construct a row array highScores than contains all player scores greater than 5...

9 years 前


Concatenating arrays
* Assign studentIDs with concatenated row arrays groupA and groupB

9 years 前


Adding an element: Ticker tape
* Add stockPrice to the beginning of row array tickerTape

9 years 前


Indexing the last element: Print queue
* Delete the last element of row array printQueue.

9 years 前


Variable sized row arrays
* Reverse the contents of row array mileMarkers

9 years 前


Indexing the array: Shift right with variable sized arrays
* Write a statement to shift the array contents 1 position to the left. * Assign the rightmost element with -1. Ex: [12, 85...

9 years 前


Relational operators and row arrays: Overweight baggage
* Assign overweightBaggage with true wherever baggageWeight is above maximumWeight

9 years 前


Constructing strings
* Construct a string alphaString from 'a' to endLetter, using the double colon operator.

9 years 前


Concatenating strings
* Write a statement that assigns fullName with firstName, a space, then lastName. Ex: If firstName is Alan and lastName is Tu...

9 years 前


Beginner's Problem - Squaring
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, square it by two and put the result in y. Examples: ...

9 years 前
