
Cody Computer Part 1 - Guess the system font used by uipanel
list = listfonts return the list of available system fonts. Can you guess which font is used for uipanel on the CODY computer...

10 years 前


Find Factrorial without using built-in function
A number is given, you have to find the factorial of the number without using built-in factroial function. You may use loops....

10 years 前


Calculate the integral of the polynomial
for e.g. in = [3 2 1] out = [1 1 1 0]

10 years 前


Happy 2013...
Happy 2013, everyone! An interesting tidbit about 2013 is that it is the first year since 1987 to contain four different digits...

10 years 前


Find matching parenthesis
One of the most indispensable things about a great text editor for programming is the ability to quickly jump between matching p...

10 years 前


NO _________ ALLOWED....
So you're given a sentence where if there is a particular word in the sentence then the output is 1, if it is not there then the...

10 years 前


Find Rotated Substring
Given a string s1, find if a rotated version of s1 is present in a second string s2. For example, rotated version of some str...

10 years 前


Error handling
If the input is a negative number, generate an error. Otherwise, return the number.

10 years 前


Assign matrix elements to separate variables
Given an input array, return each element of the array as a separate variable. If the number of output arguments (k) is less tha...

10 years 前


Einsteinium-253 decay
Radioactive Einsteinium-253 has a half-life of 1,768,608 seconds. Given 1000mg of Einsteinium-253 at t=0 days, how much is lef...

10 years 前


Size of this cup?
The given vector has diameter of the cup in mm sampled at micrometer increments in depth from top to bottom, need output in cc a...

10 years 前


Tune your guitar
Given an input string with the scientific pitch notation for standard tuning ( <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_tunings#Stan...

10 years 前


Calculate the area of a triangle between three points
Calculate the area of a triangle between three points: P1(X1,Y1) P2(X2,Y2) P3(X3,Y3) these three points are the vert...

10 years 前


Average of square wave
given positive and negative peak , calculate dc level, 50% duty cycle

10 years 前


Continued fractions
Find a <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction continued fraction> approximation of x.

10 years 前


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

10 years 前


Change Vector Value
Change the element of the vector with respect to the element of the direction vector If the element of the direction vecto...

10 years 前


Change Vector Value
Change the element of the vector with respect to the element of the direction vector If the element of the direction vecto...

10 years 前 | 1 | 94 个解题者


Find Elements in Range
Based on a question on <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/ MATLAB Answers>. Find all the elements of a vector wh...

10 years 前


Put Two 1D matrices into one 1D matrix
Example: If input a = [1 2 3 4 5]; input b = [10 9 8 7 6]; then output will be, y_correct = [1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5...

10 years 前


find root mean square of a signal x in less time than the test code and accurate to six places.

10 years 前


The Dark Side of the Die
It is well-known that opposite sides of a classic hexahedral die add to 7. Given a vector of dice rolls, calculate the sum of th...

10 years 前


Are you in or are you out?
Given vertices specified by the vectors xv and yv, and a single point specified by the numbers X and Y, return "true" if the poi...

10 years 前


* Given a function 'foo', and a position 'there', find the root near 'there'. * For example: If foo=@sin, and there=3.1, then r...

10 years 前


Solving a quadratic equation
Given a, b ​​and c, Return the solution of the following quadratic equation: a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.

10 years 前


Average speed for the entire trip
The input is two speeds (for the trip and return trip) and output is average speed. Assume units are consistent, say miles per h...

10 years 前


Function writing test
Tests your ability to write a trivial function.

10 years 前


Variable Assignment
Complete the ? part by assigning myExamScore with 100.

10 years 前


Computing Wind chill
On a windy day, a temperature of 15 degrees may feel colder, perhaps 7 degrees. The formula below calculates the "wind chill," i...

10 years 前


Smallest and Largest Real Numbers
Complete the function by assigning minReal with the smallest positive double precision floating-point number, and maxReal with t...

10 years 前
