
Left Riemann numerical integration
A curve is represented by column arrays xCoordinate and yCoordinate. Approximate the integral from xCoordinate(1) to xCoordinate...

9 years 前


Sum function: Counting cookies
Row array troopCookieSales contains the number of boxes of cookies sold by each troop member. Assign totalSales with the sum of ...

9 years 前


Forward difference approximation: Car temperatures
Column arrays measuredTemperature and sampleTime contain engine temperature measurement samples, and the time each sample was co...

9 years 前


Health app
A health app records a user's weight and displays the change in weight from the previous measurement to the next. Assign weightC...

9 years 前


Compute change
A cashier distributes change using the maximum number of five dollar bills, followed by one dollar bills. Given amountToChange, ...

9 years 前


Currency conversion
A currency exchange booth offers an exchange rate of 119.771 Japanese yen for 1 US dollar. The currency exchange booth rounds do...

9 years 前


Rotate a matrix for 180 degree
Rotate a matrix for 180 degree for eg: x=[1 2 3 4] y=[4 3 2 1]

9 years 前


Calculate volume of box
Calculate the volume of box,hiven its sides

9 years 前


Rotate a matrix for 180 degree
Rotate a matrix for 180 degree for eg: x=[1 2 3 4] y=[4 3 2 1]

9 years 前


Insect population
An insect population doubles every generation. * Write a while loop that iterates numGeneration times. * Write a statment ...

9 years 前


Double summation
Write two nested for loops to calculate the following double summation: <<https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B74PAULDIwwsWFhlNTV...

9 years 前


Populating an array with a for loop
Write a for loop to populate multiplicationTable with the multiples of baseValue from 0 to 5. Ex: If baseValue is 2, then mu...

9 years 前


Finding values in arrays
Assign numMatches with the number of elements in userValues that equal matchValue. Ex: If matchValue = 2 and userVals = [2, ...

9 years 前


Modify an array's elements
Write a for loop that iterates from 1 to numberSamples to double any element's value in dataSamples that is less than minValue. ...

9 years 前


Modify an array's elements using other elements
Write a for loop that sets each array element in bonusScores to the sum of itself and the next element, except for the last elem...

9 years 前


Function call: Kilometers to miles
Assign rateMPH with the corresponding rate in miles per hour given a user defined rateKPH, which is a rate in kilometers per hou...

9 years 前


Writing a function: MaxValue()
Write a local function named MaxValue that returns the maximum of two inputs numA and numB.

9 years 前


Writing a nested function: BMI calculation
Write a nested function CalculateBMI that assigns bmiValue given a user's weight and height. Use the following equations to calc...

9 years 前


Travel speed
Write an anonymous function to compute the Euclidean distance given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Use the following equation...

9 years 前


Find smallest number to leave a remainder of 1
given a vector of numbers, find the smallest number to be divisible by all of them with a remainder of 1. Note: input numbers wi...

9 years 前


Create sequnce 1 4 9 16 25.........
Create sequnce 1 4 9 16 25......... upto entered input value using matlab scripting commands

9 years 前


Luggage delivery
Assign deliveryCost with the cost to deliver a piece of baggage weighing baggageWeight. The service charges twenty dollars for ...

9 years 前


Assignment statements based on input value
Write an if-else statement that assigns finalValue with userValue + 5 if userValue is greater than 100. Otherwise assign finalVa...

9 years 前


find whether it is prime or not
For a given number find if its prime

9 years 前


For loops: Savings account
The for loop calculates the amount of money in a savings account after numberYears given an initial balace of savingsBalance and...

9 years 前


While loop: Summation
Write a while loop that assigns summedValue with the sum of all values from 1 to userNum. Assume userNum is always greater than ...

9 years 前


For loops: Odds sum
Write a for loop that assigns summedValue with the sum of all odd values from 1 to userNum. Assume userNume is always greater th...

9 years 前


Writing a recursive math function
Complete the recursive function RaiseToPower(). Ex: If userBase is 2 and userExponent is 4, then raisedValue is assigned wit...

9 years 前


Output a vector which is table of 9
Output a vector which is table of 9

9 years 前


Permutations of input vector
Find and output all permutations of given vector

9 years 前
