
be able to add any variable to the number one

9 years 前


metre to feet converter
The idea is to make a converter, which exchange meters to feets. We use a factor of 1m = 3.281*1f. so 3m are equals to 9.843 m...

9 years 前


Calculate square and cube of number
Calculate square and cube of number x

9 years 前


calculate the tangent of angle in radians
Calculate the tangent of angle in degrees

9 years 前


Create a square matrix of zeros of even order
Create a square matrix of zeros of even order

9 years 前


factorial of a number x
Factorial of a number x

9 years 前


Return 'bruh'.

9 years 前


Repeat The Components of Matrix
Repeat The components of a matrix so that the size of the output matrix is double to input matrix and components are repeated ne...

9 years 前


Create a square matrix of zeros of even order
Create a square matrix of zeros of even order

9 years 前


Find the next prime number
Find the next prime number or numbers for given n. For example: n = 1; out = 2; or n = [5 7]; out = [7 11]; ...

9 years 前


Four quadrant inverse tangent function.
Create a function that returns an array P the same size as X and Y containing the element-by-element, four-quadrant inverse tang...

9 years 前


Matrix Construction I
Given n, construct a matrix as shown in the example below. Example For n=8, the output should look like this: 1 2 3 4 ...

9 years 前


Matrix Construction I
Given n, construct a matrix as shown in the example below. Example For n=8, the output should look like this: 1 2 3 4 ...

9 years 前 | 5 | 221 个解题者


Two-output anonymous function?
Return a function handle that when applied to an input, it produces two outputs: the first is the same as the input, and the sec...

9 years 前


singularity 2.0 (really hard)
This problem is the continuation of problem <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/1770-singularity-2-0-harder Si...

9 years 前


singularity 2.0 (hard)
This problem is the continuation of problem <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/1769-singularity-2-0-easier Si...

9 years 前


singularity 2.0 (easier)
If you have been in Cody long enough you have probably run across some badly constructed problems and test suites. This prob...

9 years 前


Say something funny
Say something funny, or not. Your solution will be (fully automatically and objectively) scored based on how clever or funny ...

9 years 前


solve it
sum of cubes

9 years 前


sole it
sum of suqrae

9 years 前


sole it
find the multipels of 7 not using *

9 years 前


Kinetic Energy
Given the mass m and velocity v of an object, determine its <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy kinetic energy>.

9 years 前


Potential Energy
Calculate the potential energy of a rock.

9 years 前


How fast will the rock go?
Calculate the kinetic energy of a free falling rock.

9 years 前


Hydrogens in a Saturated Hydrocarbon
Given (c) carbon atoms in a saturated hydrocarbon molecule (all single bonds), how many hydrogen atoms (h) are in the molecule?

9 years 前


Comparison techniques in image segmentation
I am working on IMAGE SEGMENTATION. Is there any technique to find that in which percentage my result is right?

9 years 前


Times 3 problem
When you enter the number, it should return the number multiplied by 3

9 years 前


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition version 2
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number,return sequence Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... ...

9 years 前


Replace values under a limit
For a vector x and number n, the goal is to find every element of x inferior to n and replace it by n. Example x= [ 1 2 3...

9 years 前


Return fibonacci sequence do not use loop and condition
Calculate the nth Fibonacci number. Given n, return f where f = fib(n) and f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... Examples: ...

9 years 前
