
merge two matrices together in one matrix
a= [1 2 3 4]; b=[5 6 7 8]; take the first column from matrix (a)and (b)then insert them in matrix (c) respectively, and so on;...

8 years 前


Sum of digits of powers of 2
Given n, first, calculate the number 2^n. Then, sum the digits that comprise that number. For example: Input: n = 7 2^n = ...

8 years 前


generate number in particular way
A = [1 5 2 7]; MAX = 10; generate a array Y = [1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4]; i.e. total eleme...

8 years 前


Return the 3n+1 sequence for n
A Collatz sequence is the sequence where, for a given number n, the next number in the sequence is either n/2 if the number is e...

8 years 前


Counting the Grand Primes
A grand prime pair is a pair of primes, p1 and p2=p1+1000, such that both numbers are prime. Like a twin prime pair, where the d...

8 years 前


Narcissistic problem
How many likes has this problem?

8 years 前


Find the sum of n squares
What is the sum of the squares of the first n integers?

8 years 前


Rotate Matrix @180 degree
Rotate Matrix @180 degree Example A=[8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 9 2], then answer would be [2 9 4;...

8 years 前


Transpose of matrix
Transpose of matrix as per test cases

8 years 前


Annual Salary
What is the annual salary of Mr. Cody if he works 40 hours a week and gets $x per hour and a yearly bonus of $2000? (Let, 50 wee...

8 years 前


Unit conversion
Convert x degree Celsius to y degree Fahrenheit.

8 years 前


Square root of a number
Write a code that will output the square root of x.

8 years 前


If you have matrix A, create matrix B using matrix A as an "element"
A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8] B = [1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4; 5 6 ...

8 years 前


Vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 5's. For example, if n = 3, output = [4 4 4] Hint: Search for the function...

8 years 前


Log of a number
Write a script that will give the log of x as output.

8 years 前


Area of a circle
Given the radius x, y would be the area of a circle. Pi = 3.1416

8 years 前


Write a code that will follow the equation y = x * (x + x) * x.
If x = 5, y = 5 * (5+5) * 5 = 250

8 years 前


Using matlab, give the symbol that is associated with ASCii code 90.

8 years 前


ASCII code of a leter.
Given the letter, the output will show the corresponding ASCII code.

8 years 前


Corresponding letter to ASCII code.
Given the letter, the output will show the corresponding ASCII code.

8 years 前


Look Up Mapping
Let the input is A = {[] [] [] [1] []}; B = {'A','B','C','D','E'}; Mapped Output = 'D';

8 years 前


Free-time Equation
Given a 7-day week, an *_nc_* -number of *_tc_* -hour classes, *_ta_* -hours awake in a day, and *_tw_* -hours that you work in ...

8 years 前


Pseudo Square Root (Inspired by Project Euler 266)
Shamelessly copied from the Project Euler page for Problem 266: ------------- The divisors of 12 are: 1,2,3,4,6 and 12. T...

8 years 前


Find longest run
Write a function longest_run that takes as input an array of 0's and 1's and outputs the length and index of the longest consecu...

8 years 前


Zero Cross
Can you write a function counts the number of times(n) a signal(x) crosses zero or changes sign. Example x=[1 2 -3 -4 5 ...

8 years 前


Zero Cross
Write a function that counts the number of times n a signal x crosses zero or changes sign. Examples x = [1 2 -3 -4 5 6 ...

8 years 前 | 3 | 121 个解题者


UICBioE240 2.10
Given a vector of numbers, give the difference between the maximum and minimum values.

8 years 前


UICBioE240 2.1
This will be useful later in the course, in conjunction to clc and clear all, what is the command to close all figure windows th...

8 years 前


UICBioE240 problem 1.4
So if A = [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] B = [ 3 3]

8 years 前
