
kmph to mps
convert kilometer per hour to meter per second

11 years 前


Basics: 'Find the eigenvalues of given matrix
Find the eigenvalues y for a given matrix x.

11 years 前


What's Your BMI?
Find the body mass index. For reference, please refer to Wikipedia here: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index body ...

11 years 前


Create a vector whose elements depend on the previous element
The idea is to create a vector A whose elements depend on the previous element : *A(i+1) = 2*A(i)+1* *2 Inputs*: - A : The...

11 years 前


Getting logical indexes
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- Logical indexing works like this. thresh = 4...

11 years 前


Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer?
Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer? Examples: Input x = 'Is it Obama?' Output = 'Me!' Input x = 'Who ?' Ou...

11 years 前


Find max
Find the maximum value of a given vector or matrix.

11 years 前


Make a 1 hot vector
Make a vector of length _N_ that consists of all zeros except at index _k_, where it has the value 1. Example: Input ...

11 years 前


Replace Vector Elements
Replace all elements in a vector which are equal to or smaller than zero with 0.1. Example: A = [1 2 3 -1 0 2 -3 -80]; ...

11 years 前


Create a square matrix of multiples
Given an input, N, output a matrix N x N with each row containing multiples of the first element of each row. This also applies...

11 years 前


Set the array elements whose value is 13 to 0
Input A either an array or a vector (which can be empty) Output B will be the same size as A . All elements of A equal to 13...

11 years 前


Add two numbers
Calculate the sum of two numbers. Example input = [2 3] output = 5

11 years 前


Make a random, non-repeating vector.
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- If you want to get a random permutation of integer...

11 years 前


Arrange vector in ascending order
Arrange a given vector in ascending order. input = [4 5 1 2 9]; output = [1 2 4 5 9];

11 years 前


Duplicate each element of a vector.
for an n-dimensional vector x, the function should return another vector 2n-dimension which each element is repeated twice. Ex...

11 years 前


Pattern matching
Given a matrix, m-by-n, find all the rows that have the same "increase, decrease, or stay same" pattern going across the columns...

11 years 前


Counting Money
Add the numbers given in the cell array of strings. The strings represent amounts of money using this notation: $99,999.99. E...

11 years 前


Whether the input is vector?
Given the input x, return 1 if x is vector or else 0.

11 years 前


Check whether the input matrix is a normal magic square: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square> Output the logical va...

11 years 前


Find the largest value in the 3D matrix
Given a 3D matrix, A, find the largest value. E.g. >> A = 1:9; >> A=reshape(A,[3 1 3]); >> islargest(A) ans = 9

11 years 前


Number of Horns on a unicorn!
Calculate the number of horns on a *unicorn*! And I'm talking about a unicorn with not more than one horn on it!

11 years 前


Rotate a Matrix
Input a Matrix x, Output y is the matrix rotating x 90 degrees clockwise

11 years 前


Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees Example: If the input is: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

11 years 前


Scoring for oriented dominoes
Given a list of ordered pairs, and the order they should be placed in a line, find the sum of the absolute values of the differe...

11 years 前


Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

11 years 前


Trimming Spaces
Given a string, remove all leading and trailing spaces (where space is defined as ASCII 32). Input a = ' singular value deco...

11 years 前


Remove all the redundant elements in a vector, but keep the first occurrence of each value in its original location. So if a =...

11 years 前


Stuff the Board
You have a stack of tiles to put onto an array-like playing board. Each tile has a number (always an integer), and the board var...

11 years 前


2 b | ~ 2 b
Given a string input, output true if there are 2 b's in it, false if otherwise Examples: 'Macbeth' -> false 'Publius Cor...

11 years 前


Compute a dot product of two vectors x and y
x and y are input vectors, d is a number and contains their dot product

11 years 前
