
Let's create histogram data by yourself.
We'd like to create histogram data, which first column shows the data, and second column shows the frequency. input = [1, 2, 1,...

2 years 前


Fangs of pseudo-vampire number
given a number, find all the fangs of that number. A pseudo-vampire number can have multiple of fangs. The output should be a...

2 years 前


Pseudo-vampire number
refer to <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_number> Given a number x, determine whether it is a pseudo-vampire number. A p...

2 years 前


Cricket - Is It LBW?
LBW has an unfair reputation as complicated. But if you've watched a third umpire referral, you'll know that it's just a logical...

2 years 前


Cricket - Peak Batting Average
Given a vector s of strings representing a batter's individual innings scores (in chronological order), return the highest batti...

2 years 前


Cricket - Represent Average in "Dulkars" and "Ses"
Sachin Tendulkar's Test average was 53.78. So if Tendulkar = 53.78, one dulkar = 5.378. Similarly, Roger Twose's average was 25....

2 years 前


Cricket - Career Bowling Statistics
Given a vector s of strings representing a bowler's individual innings records, return their career statistics as a 3-element (n...

2 years 前


Korselt's Criterion
A composite integer n (n>=2) divides b^n-b, i.e. mod(b^n-b,n)==0, for all integers b if and only if n is square-free (doesn't ha...

2 years 前


Cricket - Career Batting Statistics
Given a vector s of strings representing a batter's individual innings scores, return their career statistics as a 4-element (nu...

2 years 前


Cricket - How Much More to Beat Bradman?
Sir Don Bradman famously needed only 4 runs in his final innings to retire with an average of 100. Out for a duck, he ended inst...

2 years 前


Cricket - Average Partnership Contribution
The (infamous) Duckworth-Lewis method uses statistical models of how much each wicket partnership is worth to an innings (on ave...

2 years 前


Cricket - Sort Batters by Distance Run
Given a string vector of batters' names, a vector of the total number of runs they scored, a vector of the number of 4s they sco...

2 years 前


Identify Ruth-Aaron numbers
After Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run and passed Babe Ruth’s total of 714, Carl Pomerance noticed that the union of the prime ...

2 years 前


Exact Cover
An efficient solution to the exact cover problem can be useful in many situations. In this problem, you are welcome to use Knuth...

2 years 前


Exact Cover
An efficient solution to the exact cover problem can be useful in many situations. In this problem, you are welcome to use Knuth...

2 years 前 | 3 | 7 个解题者


List the emirps
An emirp is a prime number that becomes a different prime when reversed. The numbers 13, 17, and 149 are emirps, but 11, 19, and...

2 years 前


How many unique Pythagorean triples?
For a given integer |n|, return all <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_triple Pythagorean triples> that inlude numbers s...

2 years 前


Find the dividend
Given a vector of pairwise coprime positive integers, p, and a vector of corresponding remainders, r, return a positive integer,...

2 years 前


Find the dividend
Given a vector of pairwise coprime positive integers, p, and a vector of corresponding remainders, r, return a positive integer,...

2 years 前 | 0 | 5 个解题者


apply zero padding to a matrix

2 years 前


Cell Operator *
Please implement operator * for cell: >> {2,3} * 2 ans = 1×4 cell array [2] [3] [2] [3] >> {2,3} * [2 3]...

2 years 前


find location of indexes
Given a vector with integer values. Find the edge location of the stream of same value. For example: A=[0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...

2 years 前


Total resistance of a network of resistors in series and parallel
What is the total resistance of a network of resistors in series and in parallel? A matrix R contains the resistances (in Ohm) ...

2 years 前


Vector slither sort!
Sort a numeric vector in the following format: [largest value, smallest value, second largest value, second smallest value, etc...

2 years 前


Right shift an array n times with constant space.
Right shift an array n times with constant space, that is, no extra array can be used. Right shift operation: Last element com...

2 years 前


Intercambiar columnas

2 years 前


compter le nombre de zéros dans une matrice
écrire une fonction count_zeros qui prend en entrée une matrice M et détermine le nombre de zéros dans une matrice

2 years 前


False position (linear interpolation) method of finding a root.
Test the false position algorithm described in Chapter 5 of Steven C. Chapra's textbook, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB f...

2 years 前


Draw 'W'
For any given n, return a matrix of height n and width 4n-3 containing a W of ones. Example: n=2 ans= [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0...

2 years 前
