Points selection and zoom
Do you mean using [x y] = ginput(2); for instance? If so the coordinates should not be affected by the zoom, they would ...

10 years 前 | 0

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2 axes in GUI, permanently set the max and min values of the X and Y Coordinates.
To manually set the x and y-limits of an axes you can use this command: set(handles.axes1,'XLim',[0 300],'YLim',[0 300]); ...

10 years 前 | 0

Controlling a ListBox's items from a PopupMenu
Yes. In the popup menu callback you can edit what appears in the Listbox using its handles and "string" property. The simpler wo...

10 years 前 | 0

Issue with GUI editbox callback
You need to "share" the data between the different callbacks of your GUI, otherwise each callback does not know what is in other...

10 years 前 | 0

I need program (codes) which take a video directly and extract frames in multiple defined times ??
If you know beforehand which frames you want to keep then store them in a vector. Let's say your movie is in a cell array, then ...

10 years 前 | 0

How to delete a component in a listbox?
You do pretty much the same thing as before, i.e. modify the string array and put it back in the listbox with the set(...) comma...

10 years 前 | 0

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Working with Cell Array, Indexing
When you say: _However different images won't necessarily be 44. They could be nx1_ do you mean that some stacks will contain 44...

10 years 前 | 0

Altering CT Volume voxel values in Matlab
It looks like when you use this line: Vol(Vol(:,:,p) > 0) = 65535 you are in fact referring to a 2D matrix correspondi...

10 years 前 | 0

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How to read a value of popup inside its callback
Maybe using setappdata and getappdata? You could store your structure and retrieve it among the callbacks of your GUI. eg. ...

10 years 前 | 0

function use in GUI returned values
You might need to use Dx = str2num(Dx) before calling the function is it possible?

10 years 前 | 0

Tweak legend entries without creating a new legend
Maybe assign a handle to your legend in the first place, eg hLegend = legend(...); and then change the String property w...

10 years 前 | 0

Gaussian distributed random numbers
What if you generate some random numbers (here 100) with normal distribution, mean of 0 and std dev of 1: R = normrnd(0,1,1...

10 years 前 | 0

Create matrix with double rows of [-1 1]
Simple answer: clear all clc A = zeros(8,4) for i =2:2:size(A,1) A(i-1,i/2) = (i/2)-1; A(i,i...

10 years 前 | 0

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adding a space or two after the output
I don't think you can with "disp"; or at least I don't see how to check it. An alternative would be to use sprintf: A = spr...

10 years 前 | 1

Clear Strings in a PopUpMenu
You can control what appears in the popup menu by using a cell array containing the strings you want to display. For instance...

10 years 前 | 1

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Where can SSIFiBo Toolbox be downloaded ?
It looks like it is based on a published paper in the journal Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: <http://www.sciencedi...

10 years 前 | 0

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Passing variable filename to movie2avi
Maybe try this: fname = inputdlg('Enter Filename without extension','Input'); name = strcat(fname,'.avi'); movie2avi(...

10 years 前 | 0

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For Loop Not Working??
That is very strange; the default increment for for-loops is 1 so you should not have to add the TSR = TSR+i. By the way is it r...

10 years 前 | 1

Placing a title for multiple plots in a for loop
You can use sprintf to format the title within the loop, for instance you could store all your title in a cell array for future ...

10 years 前 | 0

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Subtract one element from the following inside a loop
I rearranged a bit your code so it looks like this: clear all clc pres = [99 100 10 20]; presdiff = cell(1,s...

10 years 前 | 0

Help needed to write a rectangle bounding box on an image ...
You can use "getframe" to get the image currently displayed in your figure/axes, hence it would save your image with the box. ...

10 years 前 | 0

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How to annotate specific axes in a GUI
It might sound trivial, but what if you set the axis in which you want to add text the "current axis" just before actually placi...

10 years 前 | 0

symbols in axes titles in .fig
Do you mean in GUIDE? If so double click on the axes and the inspector should pop up, then you can change the axes properties. I...

10 years 前 | 0

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Explain this one line of code
I think this ensures that random numbers generated from different calls are all different since you use the current date/time in...

10 years 前 | 0

Use slider for live updating of threshold on 2D contour plot?
My best guess would be to add a listener object inside your slide bar Create function. For instance you could add this line: ...

10 years 前 | 2

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Cell Array referencing question
Actually B contains a 1x2 double and it contains only 1 element (a 1x2 vector) whereas A contains 2 elements, i.e. 2 1x1 vectors...

10 years 前 | 0

How I can multiply 2 variables without losing precision
Try this: a= 378979003; b= 1.443e-5; format long a*b ans = 5.468667013290000e+03

10 years 前 | 1

How can I remove Input Variable Not Used Warning?
If you want to disable all warnings you might want to use this line: warning('off','all'); But Robert's answer does seem...

10 years 前 | 0

finding intersection point between a scatter and vertical lines
You might want to use this submission from File Exchange: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11837-fast-and...

10 years 前 | 0
