Pushbutton callback not working
This looks like the same question/issue you were having in this other post. I've responded there.

2 years 前 | 0

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pushbutton callback doesn't work
I think at a high level the issue you are having is that you are missing a signal to your script that the user has pressed the O...

2 years 前 | 1

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How to plot spatial data
As the error says, lat and lon need to be the same size. Based on the shape of your variables, I suspect you need to use meshgr...

2 years 前 | 1

Function, dot, help me for solution
This line has the error: sm=@(W) v*N*L*R/(4*W.*(L/C)^2); Specifically: W is an anonymous function, so you can't do 4*W. That i...

2 years 前 | 1

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How can I the show the solution/results in table form?
There is still some polish you probably need to make, but here is one approach to displaying your results in a table: a = 0; b...

2 years 前 | 0

Is it possible to use gscatter within app designer?
What release of MATLAB are you using? Starting in R2019b, gscatter should work just find within App Designer, but you need to m...

2 years 前 | 0

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How to import multiple variable starting the same from excel?
It is hard to offer detailed advice without more information about the structure of the Excel file, and what you mean "this solu...

2 years 前 | 0

AppDesigner: Getting a UIAxes' enableDefaultInteractivity to work with a UIFigure's WindowButtonDownFcn?
There seems to be a subtle bug going on with your app. I can narrow down the issue to this code: % Code in your startupFcn f =...

2 years 前 | 1

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How can I plot this function such as all values of |f(1/z)| be more clear and how can I plot the cosine of the phase of this function ?
It looks like the nearly infinite value in your data is drowning out the remaining data. You can fix this by changing the z-limi...

2 years 前 | 0

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Error message I don't understand
I think that error message means that the first input to xline was an empty vector. Have you modified the example at all in a wa...

2 years 前 | 0

Why does copyobj() fail to copy over title fontsizes (and also colorbars and colormaps)?
Matt, The issue with copyobj and the FontSize on axes is a known bug. The issue relates to there being two sources of truth: th...

2 years 前 | 2

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Getting output from an app into the calling workspace
This question has been asked before, and there are a few different answers threads with ideas for how to do this. Here are two: ...

2 years 前 | 0

Interactive plot - how to open plot by clicking a point in another plot?
If I understand your question correctly, you can use the ButtonDownFcn to do this. For more details: Callbacks — Programmed Re...

2 years 前 | 0

When zooming in the axes of the app designer, my text will go out of the axes, how to aviod this?
There is a Clipping property on text objects that is off by default. If you set the Clipping property to 'on' you will get the b...

2 years 前 | 1

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Remove top and bottom ticks AND maintain ylabel and xlabel inside the figure
The issue you are having stems from the call to linkprop to keep the two axes positions synchronized, but in this case it is not...

2 years 前 | 0

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histogram2 images not properly saved in vector format
I was able to get a vector export using exportgraphics and forcing it to export in vector mode: histogram2(randn(1000,1), randn...

2 years 前 | 1

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Table values extraction and consequent calculation
Would a for loop do what you need? Something like this: h = height(Test_1_cycling); n = ceil(h/39); A_loop = NaN(n,1); for i...

2 years 前 | 0

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help plot of function using handle
An alternative approach: Use fplot. b1 = 1; b2 = 2; b3 = 3; b4 = 4; G =@(k) -2*k.^2 + b1 + sqrt( (-4*k.^4 - b2*k.^2 + sqrt(...

2 years 前 | 0

Calling appdesigner within a function leads to unrecognized function or variable
There is no straightforward way to assign outputs from an App Designer app. I found a few other discussions on this topic on MAT...

2 years 前 | 0

How to save the input received using Table in Matlab GUI?
As you are setting the Data property on the uitable using a MATLAB table, saving the resulting data to an Excel spreadsheet shou...

2 years 前 | 0

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How to run a routine sequence in app designer app?
You can use a timer to run a callback function at a periodic interval.

2 years 前 | 1

I am trying to detect if a GUI created from AppDesigner is open
You said: "My take was to set up a wait loop checking that the GUI is still open and when its closed the loop will continue. Is ...

2 years 前 | 0

How To Get Data From ValueChangedFcn in an Uidatepicker?
When you create a uidatepicker the object is created immediately, and the next line of code continues to run. It does not wait f...

2 years 前 | 0

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Data tip when using two y-Axes
You can add anything you want to the data tips by modifying the DataTipTemplate. It is a bit tricky to do with images, because ...

2 years 前 | 0

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Plot two x-axis in a graph with Time(calendar month/year) on axis and Hour on another x-axis
I'm having some trouble interpretting your data. I'm not sure I understood completely how the dates align with the times. For e...

2 years 前 | 0

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Use timetable as x axis in heatmap
In this case, you may be better off with something like imagesc or surf instead of heatmap. heatmap is designed for cases in whi...

2 years 前 | 0

Automatic creation of empty file
I've made this mistake many times. Fortunately, the fix is easy. 1. Press the "Preferences" button in the "Environment" section...

2 years 前 | 2

Making a Surface plot transparent
Your surface plots are each roughly 7500x7500 faces, and most (all) monitors have a resolution that is much lower than that. Thi...

2 years 前 | 0

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How to correct the invalid expression error when i have the correct delimiters and multiplication operator?
This is an invalid MATLAB expression: (t>=0)f(t<1) Specifically, this is invalid: (t>=0)f It is unclear what you intend for ...

2 years 前 | 0

Why am i getting "Undefined function 'eq' for input arguments of type 'cell'." error?
Are you trying to check the currently selected value, or the list of available values? The ItemsData stores the list of availabl...

2 years 前 | 0

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