
Diagonal Product of A Square Matrix
For a matrix A, calculate the product of its diagonal elements. * Assume all input matrices are square & corresponding element...

7 months 前


Give the volume of a box, x is equal to the body diagonal.

7 months 前


free points
function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x(1)+x(2); end

7 months 前


Approximate the cosine function
Without using MATLAB trigonometric functions, calculate the cosine of an argument x to a precision of 0.0001 Hint: You may wish...

7 months 前


Pad zero between every adjacent values of the vector.
you are given a vector x. you have to make an output vector y with zeros padded between every adjacent values of x. e.g x: ...

7 months 前


Change on Spiral Matrix
n>=3, generate a matrix of nth such that n^2 is the max number, and max number must be in [1,1] or [end, end]. One example will ...

7 months 前


generate capital english alphabets
Based on the numeric input 'n', generate the capital english alphabet starting from A till the english alphabet at the 'n'th pos...

7 months 前


Draw the symbol '+'
Draw '+' in an x-by-x matrix (where x is odd and x >3) Example: x = 5 y = [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 ...

7 months 前


Output yes whatever bae says

7 months 前


Geometric Series
Given x and n, give the sum of x ^ 1 to x ^ n. You should not have to use a loop for this.

7 months 前


Find offset of given matrix element from first matrix element
Given matrix m and an element of that matrix, return the offset from its first element. e.g. m=[11 2 34; 40 51 6; 87 8 109] el...

7 months 前


Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers .
Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers . Example x=[ '208'; '209'; '20A'; ...

7 months 前


System of Linear Equations

7 months 前


Solve the equation. Find X.

7 months 前


Find the efficiency

7 months 前


Convert array of decimal numbers into hexadecimal numbers array.
Convert array of decimal numbers into hexadecimal numbers array. Example x =[ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...

7 months 前


Cody Matlab Version
What is the current Cody Matlab Release? *Output:* string *Examples:* '(R2012a)' or 'R2012a' Hint: We have mo...

7 months 前


Round to nearest integer

7 months 前


Convert Angstrom to Meters
Write a code that converts the angstrom unit to meters.(A is angstrom and m is meters.)

7 months 前


Modulation index
The amplitude of the carrier signal is 2V and the amplitude of the modulating signal is 8V. Find its modulation index.

7 months 前


convert binary string to vector!!!

7 months 前


Rankine to Celsius Converter
Given input R, degrees Rankine, convert into degrees Celsius.

7 months 前


A shooting competition
In a shooting competition, the target is a square of side L containing a circle of radius R<=L/2. A player scores one point if h...

7 months 前


Total resistance of resistors in parallel
What is the total resistance of a number of resistors in parallel? A vector R contains the resistances (in Ohm) of n resistors,...

7 months 前


MATLAB Basics: Complex Argument
For a given complex number, x, return the argument, y, in degrees.

7 months 前


Distance Travelled by Vehicle

7 months 前


Slope intercept application
Find y given slope (m), x, and y intercept (b).

7 months 前


Fletcher-Reeves Conjugate Gradient Method
Write a function to find the values of a design variable vector, _x_, that minimizes an unconstrained scalar objective function,...

7 months 前


Generalized sorting
Write generalized sort function |sortg()| that sorts array elements in &ldquo;ascending&rdquo; order with given comparison funct...

7 months 前
