
Write a MATLAB script in order to convert a random length row vector (v) into a column vector.

8 years 前


Matlab Basics II - Count rows in a matrix
Write a function that returns that number of rows in a vector or matrix x example: x = [1; 2; 3] output = 3

8 years 前


Find the palindrome
Given the string a, find the longest palindromic sub-string b. So when a = 'xkayakyy'; you should return b = 'kayak';

8 years 前


Encode Roman Numerals
Create a function taking a non-negative integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representat...

8 years 前


list of prime numbers
n is given find the largest prime number <=n

8 years 前


this is a test problem
this is a anniversary test problem

8 years 前


Stuff the Board
You have a stack of tiles to put onto an array-like playing board. Each tile has a number (always an integer), and the board var...

8 years 前


Scoring for oriented dominoes
Given a list of ordered pairs, and the order they should be placed in a line, find the sum of the absolute values of the differe...

8 years 前


Tic Tac Toe FTW
Given a tic tac toe board: * 1 represents X * 0 represents empty. * -1 represents O It is X's move. If there is an imme...

8 years 前


Longest Divisor Run
Given the vector a, find the longest run of consecutive numbers that can be evenly divided by the same number d where d > 1. ...

8 years 前


Kaprekar Steps
6174 is the <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6174_%28number%29 Kaprekar constant>. All natural numbers less than 10,000 (except som...

8 years 前


Prime factor digits
Consider the following number system. Calculate the prime factorization for each number n, then represent the prime factors in a...

8 years 前


Mandelbrot Numbers
The <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set Mandelbrot Set> is built around a simple iterative equation. z(1) = c z...

8 years 前


Try and Catch Simple Example
Try and Catch Simple Example <http://in.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/try.html Example> Vector x=[1 4 6 8 10]; Create...

8 years 前


imaginary results
Return the value of the imaginary number i to the power of input argument n.

8 years 前


Evaluate Polynomial
Given a polynomial equation coefficients in a vector p, you have to return its value at x. Example: For inputs p and x ...

8 years 前


Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log
Compute LOG(1+X) in natural log

8 years 前


Continued fractions
Find a <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction continued fraction> approximation of x.

8 years 前


Change the first and last diagonal element of the identity matrix to zero
Starting with the identity matrix, change first and last diagonal element to zero. Example If n=5 A = 0 0 ...

8 years 前


Decide whether determinant is zero.
Given a 3 x 3 matrix, find the determinant. Let y = true if the determinant is zero, and let y = false if the determinant is no...

8 years 前


Back to Basics - Find no. of elements in a matrix?
Let A be a m*n matrix. Find the total no. of elements in A ? (Hint - formula based) A = [1 2 3;4 5 6]; output = 6

8 years 前


Is It a Palindrome?
Given a string or array, determine if it is a palindrome.

8 years 前


Product of Array
Given an array of numbers. Get the product of the array.

8 years 前


Replace every 3rd element in a vector with 4
x is a vector of undetermined length You are to replace every 3rd element with the number 4, example: x = [11 23 34 43 2 3...

8 years 前


You will be given a row of numbers (x), and a single number (n). Your job is to write a script that will stretch out the row of...

8 years 前


Isothermal Expansion
Given the initial pressure and volume of an ideal gas, calculate the new volume, given the new pressure. Hint: <https://en.wi...

8 years 前


Back to basics 3 - Temp Directory
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return a string that is the path to the system's current temp di...

8 years 前


Matlab Basics II - Create a vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 4's, for example, if n = 3 output = [4 4 4] make sure to round UP when n is a...

8 years 前


Matlab Basics II - squares
Write a function that takes matrix A, and squares each element in the matrix example: A = [1 2 3] output = [1 4 9]

8 years 前


Saving MATLAB session to a file
How to save MATLAB session to a file?

8 years 前
