
Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 1)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. Can you remove the latitude and longitude from the...

8 years 前


Combine the first and last names
MATLAB R2016 provides a rich set of functions to work with string arrays. In this problem, you will be given two string arrays o...

8 years 前


Distance walked 2D
Suppose you go from x-y coordinates [3,4] to [0,0] to [0,1] to [1,1], then you walked 7 units of distance.

8 years 前


Switch matrix to a column vector
for e.g. x = [1 2 3 4] y = 1 3 2 4

8 years 前


Multiples of a Number in a Given Range
Given an integer factor _f_ and a range defined by _xlow_ and _xhigh_ inclusive, return a vector of the multiples of _f_ that fa...

8 years 前


matrix of natural number
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 resides seially as shown in the examples below. ...

8 years 前


peta to nano (x-ray)
for certain x-ray radiation, given frequency in petahertz, give wavelength in nanometer, must be accurate +/- 25%

8 years 前


Perfect Square or not
find Given input x is perfect square or not,if yes then output y=1.else y=0

8 years 前


Is it an Armstrong number?
An Armstrong number of three digits is an integer such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. Fo...

8 years 前


Distance walked 3D
suppose you go from x-y-z coordinates [3,4,2] to [0,0,2] to [0,1,2] to [1,1,2], to [1,1,20] then you walked 25 units of distance...

8 years 前


matlab indian players
answer is one of the indian matlab player(just for fun dont take serious)

8 years 前


Alternating sum
Given vector x, calculate the alternating sum y = x(1) - x(2) + x(3) - x(4) + ...

8 years 前


Evaluating a polynomial
Given the following polynomial and the value for x, determine y. y = 3x^5 – x^3 + 8x – 3 Example x = 1 y = 3 - 1 +...

8 years 前


Fahrenheit to Celsius converter
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees.

8 years 前


Integer or Float?
Test an input to see whether it is an integer or a floating point number. If it is an integer return 1 for 'true'. Otherwise ret...

8 years 前


Solve the set of simultaneous linear equations
Given this pair of simultaneous linear equations: 2x + 3y = 23 3x + 4y = 32 Find the solution set (x,y)

8 years 前


square a vector-Given the variable x as your input, square it and put the result in y.
function y = (x)squared y = x; end

8 years 前


UICBioE240 problem 1.14
Solve 3^x = 17

8 years 前


Convert degrees to radians
Given input in degrees, output to radians

8 years 前


Simple problem creating a function from an abstract specification.
MYSTERYFUNCTION3 This takes a vector of numbers v and computes a vector w such the w[i] is the average of v[i] and the previous...

8 years 前


Basic commands - Greatest common divisor
Please write a function, which, will put as output greatest common divisor. Example: A = [-5 17; 10 0];...

8 years 前


Calculate correlation.
There are two data. y1=[0 1 2 3 4]' y2=[2 3 4 5 6]' We can see positive relationship between y1 and y2. The relations...

8 years 前


Simple polynomial evaluation
Compute the value of a polynomial of degree n with all coefficients '1', at value x. n is always n>=0. p(x)=1+x+x^2+...+x^n...

8 years 前


Save variables
a=[1] Save variable a that is located in workspace into current folder. File name should be 'a.mat'

8 years 前


Make roundn function
Make roundn function using round. x=0.55555 y=function(x,1) y=1 y=function(x,2) y=0.6 y=function(x,3) ...

8 years 前


Extract a specific part of matrix!
In the given matrix, extract element that have odd rows and column number. For example A=[1 4 2 3 5] B=extractodd(A);...

8 years 前


Rescaling vector
Rescale the entries of a vector x so that it spams [a,b]. The new values should be linearly stretched into the new range. _Ex...

8 years 前


Number of digits in an integer
Specifies how many digits in a given integer. Example: in=100 ==> out=3

8 years 前


Check to see if a Sudoku Puzzle is Solved
*Description:* Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make a function that checks to see if a 9x9 matrix of integer...

8 years 前


Read a Soroban Abacus
*Description* The Soroban is the name of the modern Japanese abacus. Information on reading a Soroban can be found <http://we...

8 years 前
