
nth Rational Number
Return the nth rational number. This is the inverse to Problem 1471. Index of a Rational number The first ten positive rationa...

1 year 前


N-th Odious
Given index n return n-th <https://oeis.org/A000069 odious number>.

1 year 前


How long is the longest prime diagonal?
Stanislaw Ulam once observed that if the counting numbers are arranged in a spiral, the prime numbers contained in it form a sur...

1 year 前


Cumulative minimum of an array
Find the cumulative minimum of an array without using the built-in function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cummin.htm...

1 year 前


Cumulative maximum of an array
Find the cumulative maximum of an array without using the built-in function cummax (and a few others). Your function should act ...

1 year 前


Matrix to 3-Column Matrix
Consider a matrix *A* such as A = [1 2 3 3 4 5 6; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; Can you convert this matrix to a three-column ...

1 year 前


Cookie Cutters
Given a larger and smaller matrix, perform element-by-element multiplication on the smaller matrix and a sub-matrix of the large...

1 year 前


Convex Hull Capture
Imagine four points in uv that form a square. uv = [ ... 0,0; 0,2; 2,2; 2,0]; Now we have two more po...

1 year 前


Wien's displacement law
Given the black body temperature (in *Celsius*), output the weavelength (in *meters*) at which the radiation peaks, according to...

1 year 前


remove nans fast
There are several ways to locate and remove nans in a matrix, and return an 1d row vector. In this problem the challenge is ...

1 year 前


Good Morning :)
Just submit your solution between 05:00:00 and 10:00:00 (AM = Ante Meridiem = Before Noon). _Note : Consider Cody Server Time...

1 year 前


2D - Mean Filter
Assume you are given an "image" matrix of size NxM. Reduce the image noise by implementing a mean filter window of size 9 (a 3x3...

1 year 前


Convert an RGB code to the corresponding CMYK code for printing. The RGB input is a [1×3] double array between 0 and 1. ...

1 year 前


Convert RGB triplet to ColorSpec string
This is the inverse to <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42612-convert-colorspec-string-to-rgb-triplet this ...

1 year 前


Pandiagonal Prime Magic Square Verification
Verify if an NxN matrix is a Pandiagonal Prime Magic Square. Required properties: 1) N^2 prime values ( No repeats, 1 ...

1 year 前


Identifying teenager
Suppose the age of a person is given. If he/she is a teenage, answer is 'yes'. Otherwise, the answer is 'no'.

1 year 前


All odd - all even
All odd numbers in x are added, while all even numers are subtracted from this. example: x = [1 2 3 4 5]; y = +(1+3+5)-...

1 year 前


Draw Letter 'L'

1 year 前


Percentage of zeros in a matrix of only 1s and 0s
Write a function called _zero_stat_ that takes a matrix as an input that only has 0 and 1 elements. The function needs to comput...

1 year 前


Remove multiples of N
in the vector x remove all multiples of N. x = [1 2 3 4 5 6]; N = 2; Then y = [1 3 5];

1 year 前


Draw a X
Given an input , create a square matrix of zeros with an X of ones. Ex. n = 3 drawX(3) [ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ] ...

1 year 前


Create a New_Word
The output of the function is a new word created from the word entered into the function. The new word is created by deleting th...

1 year 前


Logarithm with base other than 'e'
The standard log() function in Matlab returns the natural logarithm (base equal to Euler's constant). Compute the logarithm for ...

1 year 前


find number of times of occurrence of the most frequent number in a row vector
In a given row vector, find the number of times a mode of a row vector has occurred example: in [2 5 5 5 5 3], output is 4 ...

1 year 前


Nth root of a number
Given an input and a number N, find the Nth root of the number(s)

1 year 前


time difference
The arrays x and y contain time values in the form of: x = [hours minutes seconds] Create the output z which contains the...

1 year 前


How many trades represent all the profit?
Given a list of results from trades made: [1 3 -4 2 -1 2 3] We can add them up to see this series of trades made a profit ...

1 year 前


Card games

1 year 前


Basics: counting digits of a number irrespective of the sign
publish the number of digits in any input integer example: -23---->2

1 year 前


Sort accordingly

1 year 前
