
Utilizing Functions
Use this function to work for some points: function y = fcn_of_your_choice(x) y = x^2 + 2; end

12 months 前


Utilize this function
Press submit for some points function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 2; end

12 months 前


Vector Linear sum: (p1-m1)V1+(p2-m2)V2+...(pK-mk)Vk
Calculate the sum of a Vector times coefficients expressed as two strings. Example: Normal representation [ a b c ], [ p1 ...

12 months 前


Use this function for some points
Hit submit if you'd like to earn some points! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 3; end

12 months 前


Leonardo primes
Leonardo numbers are defined by following recurrence relation: Leonard prime is Leonardo number which is also prime (see ...

12 months 前


is the number happy?
test is a given integer number is Happy of not? answer 1 if yes or 0 is no

12 months 前


Usage of varargout
This Challenge is to demonstrate usage of varargout. Output a cell array using varargout of magic squares of size 1 thru n. ...

12 months 前


Find supported functions
Given a function name, return true if that function is supported by the toolboxes that are installed with MATLAB on this machine...

12 months 前


Linear system solve
Solve a linear set of equations as described in the following link: http://www.people.virginia.edu/~teh1m/cody/linsolv1.pdf

12 months 前


Number Puzzle - 118

12 months 前


Number Puzzles - 020

12 months 前


Convert row and column subscripts to linear indices
Convert 2D row and column subscripts to linear indices WITHOUT sub2ind Example: row = [1 2 3 1]; col = [2 2 2 3]; sz = [3 3]...

12 months 前


Surface Fit z(x,y)
Given three vectors x,y,z. Find four coefficients c = [cxx cxy cyy c00], such that z = cxx*x.^2+cxy*x.*y+cyy*y.^2+c00. For e...

12 months 前


01-01: 正弦波の生成
「MATLABで学ぶ実践画像・音声処理入門」のプログラム1-1 と同じ正弦波を、サンプリング周波数 10kHz で生成し、返却する関数を作成せよ。

12 months 前


Is the number of 1s in a binary integer odd or even?
Your function should turn the input integers into binary form and count the number of 1s in the binary. If the number is odd, re...

12 months 前


How many ways?
Create a program to determine in how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into n-2 triangles?

12 months 前


Tribonacci Sequence
Generate the tribonacci sequence upto n

12 months 前


Repeat string n times
You will be provided a string (s = 'string1_') a starting point (num1 = 6) (always bigger than or equal to zero) and n (n = 3)...

12 months 前


Invert a 3D rotation matrix
Given a 3D rotation matrix, belonging to the matrix group SO(3), compute its inverse without using the functions inv() or pinv()...

12 months 前


Say type of roots in quadratic equation
Given the coefficients of a quadratic equation, write a function that gives the output y='RealDifferent' if the roots are real a...

12 months 前


Just another sum (JAS)
*Task:* Write a function that takes a vector X and returns the alternating sum of X: X(1)-X(2)+X(3)-X(4)+... *Example...

12 months 前


Basic Monte Carlo Simulation
Input is a matrix including service time and probability of service time. Another input is a random number. Function should tran...

12 months 前


Polybius Square
Given a string, calculate the coordinates. Input will be always in lowercase. If string is a sentence then use 0 (zero) to indic...

12 months 前


Write a MATLAB function findPositiveEvenNumbers that takes an array of integers as input and returns a new array containing only...

12 months 前


free points
function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x(1)+x(2); end

12 months 前


Sum of Squares
Given a vector v of length n, write a MATLAB function to calculate the sum of the squares of its elements.

12 months 前


Use this function to earn some points on your cody journey! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 12; end

12 months 前


Determine if input is greater than 100
Evaluate if given number is greater than 100. If greater, return true; else, return false.

12 months 前


Easy Function(2)
Hit the submit button for some cody points! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 20; end

12 months 前


Find collatz series next number
For given x, if x is even, output is (x/2) if x is odd, output is (3x+1)

12 months 前
