Error in locating a reference cell for calculations
If you read the line: Attempted to access ref(1); index out of bounds because numel(ref)=0. you can see that data{i,...

10 years 前 | 0

xlswrite - Errors all the time
Try closing your excel document before trying to write on it. That kind of errors occur when you try to write in a document t...

10 years 前 | 0

Create matrix with strings
If the strings will have different length, you can not do it. Instead use a cell array: amount = 3; % or whatever you want ...

10 years 前 | 0

Undefined function 'eq' for input arguments of type 'cell error
You can also do: txt1=[{'a'},{'b'},{'c'}]; txt1=txt1(:); data=[{'a'},{'b'}]; data=data(:); idx = getnameidx...

10 years 前 | 0

Can I add values to an image
Do you mean something like this: load clown figure imagesc(X) colormap(gray) axis image x = 23; ...

10 years 前 | 0

How can i draw a line along the plots?
plot( sample_number,str2double(a_component) ) and forget about the marker options

10 years 前 | 0

How to show my output from matrix?
For all your rows: gcd(c(k,:),5) = [1 1 1]; Then, find(gcd(c(3,:),5)==1) = [1 2 3] since all the elements in th...

10 years 前 | 0

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filtic function type error
The code is obviously right. Are you sure your version has the filtic function? In the command window, write type filti...

10 years 前 | 0

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How can i get a function reference from matlab?
In the command window, type: doc rangefilt doc stdfilt doc entropyfilt

10 years 前 | 0

how to read data from different sheet of excel and use it in for loop nested with if else loop?
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(filename,sheet,range) reads from the specified sheet and range. EXAMPLE: subsetA = xlsread('myEx...

10 years 前 | 2

how to make a computer go to a line in mfile for a repeat execution
Matlab does not have that kind of implementation. On the other hand, you can do a work around using conditionals, either whiles...

10 years 前 | 0

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I want to plot this data in matlab
First of all, you should present your data in a more clear way, it is not easy to know what you really want to plot against what...

10 years 前 | 0

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Calculate differences between all values in vector
my_vct = [2 3 1 4 5 6]; L = numel(my_vct); tmp_vct = [my_vct(2:end) my_vct(end)]; x = my_vct - tmp_vct; s...

10 years 前 | 0

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Replace X and Y labels
Taka a look at the following code and adapted to your needs: x = -pi:.1:pi; y = sin(x); h = plot(x,y) set(gca,'XTi...

10 years 前 | 0

Pass variables between Guis created using Guide
I good way to do it is declaring global variables. In case you need to "transfer" a whole lot of variables, it is more practica...

10 years 前 | 0

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can anybody post matlab code for rectangular spiral shape?
x = [1 8 8 4 4 6 6 5]; y = [8 8 1 1 4 4 2 2]; plot(x,y) axis([0 10 0 10])

10 years 前 | 0

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permute matrix dimensions: getting trickier ...
I am a bit confused by the explanation of what you want. Is it something like this? % plot all pair combinations of M dimen...

10 years 前 | 0

How to edit a text file using matlab?
fid =fopen('your_file.txt'); C=textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n'); fclose(fid); for k=1:numel(C{1,1}) tmp = r...

10 years 前 | 2

How to read a.txt file in matlab
You can try something like this: fid = fopen('your_file.txt'); C = textscan(fid,'%s', 'CommentStyle','#'); fclose(fid...

10 years 前 | 0

Double to cell from workspace?
data = rand(3,5); % your data here create cell with data cell_data = num2cell(data); you can also take a look at ...

10 years 前 | 0

how to save each loop data in consecutive rows?
your_output = zeros(3,6); % initialization of variable for i =1:3 a=rand(3,2); b = reshape(a.',1,[]); ...

10 years 前 | 0

Accessing/writing a fieldname values for a blind structure
person.name = 'xx'; person.age=32; xfields = fieldnames(person) >> person.(xfields{1}) ans = xx ...

10 years 前 | 0

How to get the variables into workspace while running GUI?
There are several things you can do. To see the value of a variable in the workspace, do not write the semicolon, that will pre...

10 years 前 | 0

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How to open variables in command line?
You can sue _who_: To present all the variables: who To present variables whose name start by H: who H* To pr...

10 years 前 | 0

Complex question: How to find a formula's unique values when plotted with other formulae?
You can see it graphically with this code: x=-10:.1:10; y=-10:.1:10; [xx yy] = meshgrid(x,y); z1 = xx + 2.*yy; ...

10 years 前 | 0

3d contour plot in MATLAB
To read your data: [my_data headers] = xlsread('test data.xlsx'); But you present 4D data: 3 coordinate and value. ...

10 years 前 | 0

Is it possible to increase solving time ?
The time taken by your code depends on the way you coded the algorithm. Using built-in function might improve the performance. I...

10 years 前 | 0

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how will i arrange the matrix?
Sort you matrix using the built-in function _sort_: doc sort

10 years 前 | 0

need advice on using RESHAPE AND IMRESIZE
Once you perform any modification in an image, the original data is lost. You can not go back and get the same image from the mo...

10 years 前 | 2

how do you write function divisible(n)?
Re-using the code above, you can do it in a single line: function [Res] = divisible(n) Res = (rem(n,3)==0 && rem(n,5...

10 years 前 | 0
