
Tiling a matrix
Given a matrix and a number of columns, replicate matrix in a single row

11 years 前


convert matrix to single column
given any matrix, convert it to single column

11 years 前


Calculate the peak value of square wave
Given the peak value of sine wave, calculate corresponding peak value of square wave, if both have same RMS voltage.

11 years 前


Maximum value in a matrix
Find the maximum value in the given matrix. For example, if A = [1 2 3; 4 7 8; 0 9 1]; then the answer is 9.

11 years 前


Negative matrix
Change the sign of all elements in given matrix.

11 years 前


Find the hypotenuse
Given a and b (the two sides of a right-triangle), find c, the hypotenuse.

11 years 前


calculate RMS voltage
given peak to peak voltage, calculate rms voltage

11 years 前


Square wave average calculation
Given its peak and duty cycle, calculate avg value of square wave

11 years 前


Ohm's Law
Well its Ohm's law... So V = IR! I will give two of the three values, such as V and I or I and R and you have to return th...

11 years 前


Write a MATLAB script in order to convert a random length row vector (v) into a column vector.

11 years 前


Pizza value using expression with parentheses
Pizza prices are typically listed by diameter, rather than the more relevant feature of area. Compute a pizza's value (cost per ...

11 years 前


Calculate distance travelled when given radius and rotations
When given radius of wheel and number of rotations calculate total distance travelled consider pi=3.14

11 years 前


Simple equation: Annual salary
Given an hourly wage, compute an annual salary by multiplying the wage times 40 and times 50, because salary = wage x 40 hours/w...

11 years 前


Create a row array using double colon operator
Create a row array from 9 to 1, using the double colon operator.

11 years 前


Relative ratio of "1" in binary number
Input(n) is positive integer number Output(r) is (number of "1" in binary input) / (number of bits). Example: * n=0; r=...

11 years 前


sum of first 'n' terms
Given n=10, find the sum of first 'n' terms Example: If n=10, then x=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The sum of these n=10 terms is 55...

11 years 前


Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.

11 years 前


Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple statements
Given a Fahrenheit value F, convert to a Celsius value C. While the equation is C = 5/9 * (F - 32), as an exercise use two state...

11 years 前


Is it a number?
Determine if input is numeric. If it is,output is 1; if it is not, output is 0.

11 years 前


Find the mode of the vector Assumption: no vector is bimodal Example 1: input=[1 2 3 4 4]; output=4 Example 2: input=[7...

11 years 前


Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs
Sort complex numbers into complex conjugate pairs. Example: Input x = [3-6i -1-4i -1+4i 3+6i] Sorted output = [-1 - ...

11 years 前


Related Vectors
I have two vectors A & B. If the values in vector A is zero then the corresponding value in vector B should be zero. Example:...

11 years 前


Number of digits in an integer
Specifies how many digits in a given integer. Example: in=100 ==> out=3

11 years 前


Frobenius Norm
Write your own version of Frobenius Norm without using the 'norm' function.

11 years 前


Sum the numbers on the main diagonal
Sum the numbers on the main diagonal of an n-by-n matrix. For input: A = [1 2 4 3 6 2 2 4 7]...

11 years 前


Return area of square
Side of square=input=a Area=output=b

11 years 前


Vector of numbers divisible by 3
* Input(n) - any integer * Output(v) - vector with numbers divisible by 3(exept 0) starting from n to 0 Examples: * n=6...

11 years 前


Can I make a right triangle ?
Input(a) - is vector with any amount of values. Interpreted as legths of sides. Output(b): * Is true if there are any 3 va...

11 years 前


Weave two vectors into one
Weave the two given vectors into one as shown below. Example: If a = [1 1 1] b = [0 0 0] then y = [1 0 1 0 ...

11 years 前


There are two given strings 'STRING1' and 'STR ING2'.|monospaced|The output should be 'STRING1 STR ING2' or STr1='Sum';STr2='EQU...

11 years 前
