AI for Medical Device Design and Digital Health Applications
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly gaining traction in the medical devices industry, driven by use cases in digital health such as automating analysis of biomedical clinical data, mining digital records to improve healthcare outcomes, personalizing treatments, and developing devices. Discussions on incorporating AI into Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) indicate there is interest in developing digital health-based solutions within medical device and pharmaceutical companies. To be more successful, organizations need to address many challenges, including bridging the gap between medical and data science to develop AI-powered healthcare analytics, improving transparency in models, and complying with regulations and standards in the medical industry.
In this session, learn how MATLAB® and Simulink® can help you develop next generation medical devices and AI-powered digital health applications by:
- Analyzing and exploring large volumes of physiological patient health records (biomedical signals, images, or text)
- Building and optimizing predictive models without coding and AI expertise
- Incorporating MATLAB and Simulink for use in FDA or CE regulated workflows, confirming with standards such as IEC 62304, and leveraging explainability and interpretability techniques
- Deploying models on the edge or integrating models within your cloud applications without recoding
Published: 20 May 2021