Video length is 25:54

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Control Algorithms for Modular Multi-Level Converters

Manuel Fedou, Speedgoat

Multi -level power converters are an enabling technology for equipment that supports a modern power transmission system.  Present in flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) equipment and high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems, these power converters help ensure stable grid operation and power transmission over long distances.

Learn how to use Simulink®, Simscape Electrical™, and Model-Based Design to develop and test the embedded software that controls a multi-level power converter. You’ll benefit from the presentation whether you’re an engineer who wants to improve your knowledge of simulating power electronics control systems or wants an introduction to code generation from Simulink models.

Through an example of a STATCOM operating in the presence of grid sources, loads, and disturbances, you will see how to:

  • Model and simulate the power electronics system
  • Perform functional testing with Simulink Test™
  • Generate production-ready embedded code and implement it on a TI C2000™ microcontroller
  • Validate the embedded software by performing hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of the control algorithms.

Published: 25 May 2021