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SS burst configuration parameters for 5G waveform generation

Since R2020b


The nrWavegenSSBurstConfig object sets synchronization signal (SS) burst configuration parameters. Use this object to set the SSBurst property of the nrDLCarrierConfig object when configuring 5G downlink waveform generation.

This object defines the subcarrier spacing (SCS), time-domain and frequency-domain allocations, power, and payload of the SS burst.

The default nrWavegenSSBurstConfig object configures the SS burst with four active SS blocks and a periodicity of 20 ms, corresponding to the initial cell selection. The default configuration also specifies the SS burst to carry the master information block (MIB) and places the SS burst in the center of a carrier with 15 kHz subcarrier spacing (block pattern Case A). To update the frequency location of the SS burst, set the NCRBSSB and KSSB object properties to a nonempty value.



ssb = nrWavegenSSBurstConfig creates a default SS burst configuration object for 5G waveform generation.

ssb = nrWavegenSSBurstConfig(Name,Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. Enclose each property name in quotes. For example, 'BlockPattern','Case B' specifies block pattern Case B.



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Enable the SS burst in 5G waveform generation, specified as one of these values.

  • 1 — Enable the SS burst.

  • 0 — Disable the SS burst.

Data Types: double | logical

Power scaling of the SS burst in dB, specified as one of these values.

  • Real scalar — The object scales the power of the SS burst in the generated 5G waveform by applying the same power level to each SS block in the burst.

  • Row vector of real numbers — The object scales the power of the SS burst in the generated 5G waveform by applying different power levels to the SS blocks in the burst. The vector must have the same length as the block transmission bitmap, specified by the TransmittedBlocks property. Use this option to model the power level effect of beam sweeping on different blocks in the burst.

Data Types: double

Block pattern of the SS burst, specified as one of these values corresponding to the patterns from TS 38.213 Section 4.1 [1].

  • 'Case A' — Use this value for frequency range 1 (FR1) and 15 kHz SCS.

  • 'Case B' or 'Case C' — Use either of these values for FR1 and 30 kHz SCS.

  • 'Case D' — Use this value for frequency range 2 (FR2) and 120 kHz SCS.

  • 'Case E' — Use this value for FR2 and 240 kHz SCS.

  • 'Case F' — Use this value for FR2 and 480 kHz SCS.

  • 'Case G' — Use this value for FR2 and 960 kHz SCS.

Data Types: char | string

Block transmission bitmap in a 5 ms half-frame burst, specified as a 4-bit or 8-bit binary vector for FR1 or a 64-bit binary vector for FR2. This vector specifies which SS blocks are active in the SS burst.

Data Types: double

Period and half-frame offset of the SS burst, specified as one of these options:

  • 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, or 160 — Use one of these values to specify the period in ms for a 0 ms half-frame offset.

  • Vector of the form [period offset], where period is a value from the previous list, offset is a multiple of 5 ms, and period > offset — Use this option to specify the period and the half-frame offset in ms. (since R2024b)

Data Types: double

Frequency offset from point A, specified as [] or an integer from 0 to 2199. Point A is the center of subcarrier 0 in the common resource block 0 (CRB 0). This property specifies the frequency offset of the SS burst in resource blocks (RBs) relative to point A.

  • For block pattern Case A, Case B, and Case C, the unit of this property is expressed in terms of 15 kHz SCS.

  • For block pattern Case D, Case E, Case F, and Case G, the unit of this property is expressed in terms of 60 kHz SCS.

When NCRBSSB is an empty vector, [], the SS burst is positioned in the center of the carrier with the SCS corresponding to the block pattern specified by the BlockPattern property.

Data Types: double

Subcarrier offset, specified as one these options.

  • For FR1:

    • If SubcarrierSpacingCommon is 15, specify this property as an integer from 0 to 11. Units are in terms of 15 kHz SCS.

    • If SubcarrierSpacingCommon is 30, specify this property as an integer from 0 to 23. Units are in terms of 15 kHz SCS.

  • For FR2, specify this property as an integer from 0 to 11.

    • For block pattern Case D and Case E, the KSSB property specifies a number of subcarriers in units corresponding to the SubcarrierSpacingCommon property.

    • For block pattern Case F and Case G, the KSSB property specifies a number of subcarriers in units corresponding to the SCS of the block pattern specified by the BlockPattern property.

The object increases the frequency offset of the SS burst from point A by KSSB subcarriers.


To enable this property, set the NCRBSSB property to a value other than [].

Data Types: double

Source of the SS burst payload, specified as one of these options.

  • 'MIB', 'PN9-ITU', 'PN9', 'PN11', 'PN15', or 'PN23'

  • Two-element cell array consisting of one of the character vectors from the previous list and a random numeric seed (for example, {'PN9',7})

  • 24-bit binary vector

If you do not specify a random seed, all shift registers are initialized with an active state.

Data Types: double | cell | string | char

First demodulation reference signal (DM-RS) symbol position for type A physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH) transmissions, specified as 2 or 3.


To enable this property, set the DataSource property to 'MIB'.

Data Types: double

Cell barring, specified as 0 or 1. When CellBarred is set to 1, the cell enables the user equipment (UE) to camp on the cell.


To enable this property, set the DataSource property to 'MIB'.

Data Types: double | logical

Enable intrafrequency reselection, specified as one of these values.

  • 0 — Disable intrafrequency reselection.

  • 1 — Enable intrafrequency reselection of the same frequency cells.


To enable this property, set the DataSource property to 'MIB'.

Data Types: double | logical

Configuration type of the physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) SIB1, specified as an integer from 0 to 255.


To enable this property, set the DataSource property to 'MIB'.

Data Types: double

SIB1 SCS in kHz, specified as one of these values.

  • 15 or 30 for FR1

  • 60 or 120 for FR2


To enable this property, either set the DataSource property to 'MIB' or set the NCRBSSB property to a value other than [] and the BlockPattern property to 'Case D' or 'Case E'.

Data Types: double


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Create a downlink carrier configuration object with the specified property values.

cfgDL = nrDLCarrierConfig('FrequencyRange','FR2','ChannelBandwidth',100);
cfgDL.SCSCarriers{1} = nrSCSCarrierConfig('SubcarrierSpacing',120);
cfgDL.BandwidthParts{1} = nrWavegenBWPConfig('SubcarrierSpacing',120);

Create an SS burst configuration object for block pattern Case D, corresponding to 120 kHz SCS, and a block transmission bitmap for FR2.

ssb = nrWavegenSSBurstConfig('BlockPattern','Case D','TransmittedBlocks',ones(1,64));

Specify the SS burst frequency offset to be one third of the carrier size.

ssb.NCRBSSB = round(cfgDL.SCSCarriers{1}.NSizeGrid/3);

Specify the subcarrier offset of the SS burst, taking into account the specified block pattern. For block pattern Case D, the subcarrier offset value must be even.

ssb.KSSB = 2*4;

Specify the SS burst configuration for the downlink carrier configuration.

cfgDL.SSBurst = ssb;


[1] 3GPP TS 38.213. “NR; Physical layer procedures for control.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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See Also

