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Distance between sites


d = distance(site1,site2) calculates the distance, in meters, between the specified sites. By default, the function calculates the Euclidean distance.


d = distance(site1,site2,path) calculates the distance using the specified path type, either the Euclidean path or the great circle path.


d = distance(___,Name=Value) specifies options using name-value arguments.


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Create a transmitter site and a receiver site. Specify the locations using geographic coordinates.

tx = txsite(Name="MathWorks", ...
    Latitude=42.3001, ...
rx = rxsite(Name="Fenway Park", ...
    Latitude=42.3467, ...

Calculate the distance between the sites. The function returns the result in meters. By default, the function calculates the distance using a Euclidean path.

dme = distance(tx,rx)
dme = 2.1504e+04

Convert the distance to kilometers.

dkm = dme / 1000
dkm = 21.5037

Create a transmitter site and a receiver site. Specify the locations using geographic coordinates.

tx = txsite(Name="MathWorks", ...
    Latitude=42.3001, ...
rx = rxsite(Name="Fenway Park", ...
    Latitude=42.3467, ...

Calculate the distance between the sites using a great circle path. The function returns the result in meters. Convert the distance from meters to kilometers.

dme = distance(tx,rx,"greatcircle");
dkm = dme / 1000
dkm = 21.4515

Input Arguments

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Transmitter or receiver site, specified as a txsite or rxsite object. Specify multiple sites using array inputs.

Measurement path type, specified as one of the following:

  • "euclidean" — Use the shortest path through space that connects the antenna center positions of the sites. The option is the default for both Cartesian and geographic sites.

  • "greatcircle" — Use the shortest path on the surface of a spherical Earth that connects the geographic locations of the sites. This option requires the CoordinateSystem properties of the sites to be "geographic".

Data Types: char

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: d = distance(site1,site2,Map="myfile.stl") specifies the map as an STL file.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: d = distance(site1,site2,"Map","myfile.stl") specifies the map as an STL file.

Map for visualization or surface data, specified as a siteviewer object, a triangulation object, a string scalar, or a character vector. Valid and default values depend on the coordinate system.

Coordinate SystemValid map valuesDefault map value
  • A siteviewer objecta

  • A terrain name, if the function is called with an output argument. Valid terrain names are "none", "gmted2010", or the name of the custom terrain data added using addCustomTerrain.

  • The current siteviewer object or a new siteviewer object if none are open

  • "gmted2010", if the function is called with an output

  • "none"

  • A siteviewer object

  • The name of a glTF™ file

  • The name of an STL file

  • A triangulation object

  • "none"

a Alignment of boundaries and region labels are a presentation of the feature provided by the data vendors and do not imply endorsement by MathWorks®.

In most cases, if you specify this argument as a value other than a siteviewer or "none", then you must also specify an output argument.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Distance between the sites, in meters, returned as an M-by-N numeric array, where M is the number of sites in site2 and N is the number of sites in site1.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

See Also

