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Display antenna radiation pattern in Site Viewer



pattern(tx) displays the 3-D antenna radiation pattern for the transmitter site txsite in the current Site Viewer. Signal gain value (dBi) in a particular direction determines the color of the pattern.


pattern(rx,frequency) displays the 3-D radiation pattern for the receiver site rxsite for the specified frequency.


pattern(___,Name,Value) displays the 3-D radiation pattern with additional options specified by name-value pair arguments.


collapse all

Define and visualize the radiation pattern of a single transmitter site.

tx = txsite;

Transmitter site and radiation pattern displayed over satellite imagery

Design a receiver site using a dipole antenna at a height of 30 meters.

d = dipole;
rx = rxsite("Name","Mathworks Lakeside", ...
    "Latitude",42.30321,"Longitude",-71.3764, ...

Visualize the pattern of the receiver site at 75 MHz.


Create a directional antenna.

yagiAntenna = design(yagiUda,4.5e9);
yagiAntenna.Tilt = 90;
yagiAntenna.TiltAxis = "y";

Create transmitter and receiver sites at a frequency of 4.5 GHz. Use the Yagi antenna as the transmitter antenna. Design a dipole at 4.5 GHz and use this as the receiver antenna.

fq = 4.5e9;
tx = txsite(Name="MathWorks",Latitude=42.3001,Longitude=-71.3503, ...
      Antenna=yagiAntenna,AntennaAngle=90,AntennaHeight=30, ...
rx = rxsite(Antenna=design(dipole,fq));

Position the receiver 200 meters from the transmitter.

[lat,lon] = location(tx,200,90);
rx.Latitude = lat;
rx.Longitude = lon;

Display both transmitter and receiver patterns. Zoom out so you can see both of the patterns.


Transmitter and receiver patterns displayed over satellite imagery

Import and view an STL file. The file models a small conference room with one table and four chairs.

viewer = siteviewer("SceneModel","conferenceroom.stl");

Design an inverted-F antenna mounted over a rectangular ground plane that resonates at 2.4 GHz. Create a transmitter site that uses the antenna. Specify the position using Cartesian coordinates in meters.

ant = design(invertedF,2.4e9);
ant.Tilt = 180;

tx = txsite("cartesian", ...
    "AntennaPosition",[0; 0; 2.1], ...

Visualize the pattern of the site. Specify the size of the pattern plot as 0.4 meters.


Pan by left-clicking, zoom by right-clicking or by using the scroll wheel, and rotate the visualization by clicking the middle button and dragging or by pressing Ctrl and left-clicking and dragging.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Transmitter site, specified as a txsite object.

Receiver site, specified as a rxsite object.

Frequency to calculate radiation pattern, specified as a positive scalar.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'Size',2

Size of the pattern plot, specified as a numerical scalar in meters. This parameter represents the distance between the antenna position and the point on the plot with the highest gain.

The default value depends on the CoordinateSystem property of the siteviewer object. When CoordinateSystem is 'geographic', the default size is 50 meters. When CoordinateSystem is 'cartesian', the default size is approximately 1/6 of the scene model size.

Data Types: double

Transparency of the pattern plot, specified as a real number in the range of [0,1], where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is completely opaque.

Data Types: double

Colormap for coloring of the pattern plot, specified as a predefined colormap name or an M-by-3 array of RGB (red, blue, green) triplets that define M individual colors.

Data Types: double

Resolution of 3-D map, specified as 'low', 'medium', or 'high'. This property controls the visual quality and the time taken to plot the pattern where the value of 'low' corresponds to the fastest and the least detailed pattern.

Data Types: double

Map for visualization of surface data, specified as a siteviewer object.1

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

See Also

1 Alignment of boundaries and region labels are a presentation of the feature provided by the data vendors and do not imply endorsement by MathWorks®.