Speaker Verification Using i-vectors
Speaker verification, or authentication, is the task of confirming that the identity of a speaker is who they purport to be. Speaker verification has been an active research area for many years. An early performance breakthrough was to use a Gaussian mixture model and universal background model (GMM-UBM) [1] on acoustic features (usually mfcc
). For an example, see Speaker Verification Using Gaussian Mixture Model. One of the main difficulties of GMM-UBM systems involves intersession variability. Joint factor analysis (JFA) was proposed to compensate for this variability by separately modeling inter-speaker variability and channel or session variability [2] [3]. However, [4] discovered that channel factors in the JFA also contained information about the speakers, and proposed combining the channel and speaker spaces into a total variability space. Intersession variability was then compensated for by using backend procedures, such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and within-class covariance normalization (WCCN), followed by a scoring, such as the cosine similarity score. [5] proposed replacing the cosine similarity scoring with a probabilistic LDA (PLDA) model. [11] and [12] proposed a method to Gaussianize the i-vectors and therefore make Gaussian assumptions in the PLDA, referred to as G-PLDA or simplified PLDA. While i-vectors were originally proposed for speaker verification, they have been applied to many problems, like language recognition, speaker diarization, emotion recognition, age estimation, and anti-spoofing [10]. Recently, deep learning techniques have been proposed to replace i-vectors with d-vectors or x-vectors [8] [6].
Use an i-vector System
Audio Toolbox provides ivectorSystem
which encapsulates the ability to train an i-vector system, enroll speakers or other audio labels, evaluate the system for a decision threshold, and identify or verify speakers or other audio labels. See ivectorSystem
for examples of using this feature and applying it to several applications.
To learn more about how an i-vector system works, continue with the example.
Develop an i-vector System
In this example, you develop a standard i-vector system for speaker verification that uses an LDA-WCCN backend with either cosine similarity scoring or a G-PLDA scoring.
Throughout the example, you will find live controls on tunable parameters. Changing the controls does not rerun the example. If you change a control, you must rerun the example.
Data Set Management
This example uses the Pitch Tracking Database from Graz University of Technology (PTDB-TUG) [7]. The data set consists of 20 English native speakers reading 2342 phonetically rich sentences from the TIMIT corpus. Download and extract the data set.
downloadFolder = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("audio","ptdb-tug.zip"); dataFolder = tempdir; unzip(downloadFolder,dataFolder) dataset = fullfile(dataFolder,"ptdb-tug");
Create an audioDatastore
object that points to the data set. The data set was originally intended for use in pitch-tracking training and evaluation, and includes laryngograph readings and baseline pitch decisions. Use only the original audio recordings.
ads = audioDatastore([fullfile(dataset,"SPEECH DATA","FEMALE","MIC"),fullfile(dataset,"SPEECH DATA","MALE","MIC")], ... IncludeSubfolders=true, ... FileExtensions=".wav"); fileNames = ads.Files;
The file names contain the speaker IDs. Decode the file names to set the labels on the audioDatastore
speakerIDs = extractBetween(fileNames,"mic_","_"); ads.Labels = categorical(speakerIDs); countEachLabel(ads)
ans=20×2 table
Label Count
_____ _____
F01 236
F02 236
F03 236
F04 236
F05 236
F06 236
F07 236
F08 234
F09 236
F10 236
M01 236
M02 236
M03 236
M04 236
M05 236
M06 236
Separate the audioDatastore
object into training, evaluation, and test sets. The training set contains 16 speakers. The evaluation set contains four speakers and is further divided into an enrollment set and a set to evaluate the detection error tradeoff of the trained i-vector system, and a test set.
developmentLabels = categorical(["M01","M02","M03","M04","M06","M07","M08","M09","F01","F02","F03","F04","F06","F07","F08","F09"]); evaluationLabels = categorical(["M05","M10","F05","F10"]); adsTrain = subset(ads,ismember(ads.Labels,developmentLabels)); adsEvaluate = subset(ads,ismember(ads.Labels,evaluationLabels)); numFilesPerSpeakerForEnrollment =3; [adsEnroll,adsTest,adsDET] = splitEachLabel(adsEvaluate,numFilesPerSpeakerForEnrollment,2);
Display the label distributions of the resulting audioDatastore
ans=16×2 table
Label Count
_____ _____
F01 236
F02 236
F03 236
F04 236
F06 236
F07 236
F08 234
F09 236
M01 236
M02 236
M03 236
M04 236
M06 236
M07 236
M08 236
M09 236
ans=4×2 table
Label Count
_____ _____
F05 3
F10 3
M05 3
M10 3
ans=4×2 table
Label Count
_____ _____
F05 231
F10 231
M05 231
M10 231
ans=4×2 table
Label Count
_____ _____
F05 2
F10 2
M05 2
M10 2
Read an audio file from the training data set, listen to it, and plot it. Reset the datastore.
[audio,audioInfo] = read(adsTrain); fs = audioInfo.SampleRate; t = (0:size(audio,1)-1)/fs; sound(audio,fs) plot(t,audio) xlabel("Time (s)") ylabel("Amplitude") axis([0 t(end) -1 1]) title("Sample Utterance from Training Set")
You can reduce the data set and the number of parameters used in this example to speed up the runtime at the cost of performance. In general, reducing the data set is a good practice for development and debugging.
speedUpExample =false; if speedUpExample adsTrain = splitEachLabel(adsTrain,30); adsDET = splitEachLabel(adsDET,21); end
Feature Extraction
Create an audioFeatureExtractor
object to extract 20 MFCCs, 20 delta-MFCCs, and 20 delta-delta MFCCs. Use a delta window length of 9. Extract features from 25 ms Hann windows with a 10 ms hop.
numCoeffs =20; deltaWindowLength =
9; windowDuration =
0.025; hopDuration =
0.01; windowSamples = round(windowDuration*fs); hopSamples = round(hopDuration*fs); overlapSamples = windowSamples - hopSamples; afe = audioFeatureExtractor( ... SampleRate=fs, ... Window=hann(windowSamples,"periodic"), ... OverlapLength=overlapSamples, ... ... mfcc=true, ... mfccDelta=true, ... mfccDeltaDelta=true); setExtractorParameters(afe,"mfcc",DeltaWindowLength=deltaWindowLength,NumCoeffs=numCoeffs)
Extract features from the audio read from the training datastore. Features are returned as a numHops
features = extract(afe,audio); [numHops,numFeatures] = size(features)
numHops = 797
numFeatures = 60
Training an i-vector system is computationally expensive and time-consuming. If you have Parallel Computing Toolbox™, you can spread the work across multiple cores to speed up the example. Determine the optimal number of partitions for your system. If you do not have Parallel Computing Toolbox™, use a single partition.
if ~isempty(ver("parallel")) && ~speedUpExample pool = gcp; numPar = numpartitions(adsTrain,pool); else numPar = 1; end
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Connected to the parallel pool (number of workers: 6).
Feature Normalization Factors
Use the helper function, helperFeatureExtraction
, to extract all features from the data set. The helperFeatureExtraction
function extracts MFCC from regions of speech in the audio. The speech detection is performed by the detectSpeech
featuresAll = {}; tic parfor ii = 1:numPar adsPart = partition(adsTrain,numPar,ii); featuresPart = cell(0,numel(adsPart.Files)); for iii = 1:numel(adsPart.Files) audioData = read(adsPart); featuresPart{iii} = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,[]); end featuresAll = [featuresAll,featuresPart]; end allFeatures = cat(2,featuresAll{:}); disp("Feature extraction from training set complete (" + toc + " seconds).")
Feature extraction from training set complete (64.0731 seconds).
Calculate the global mean and standard deviation of each feature. You will use these in future calls to the helperFeatureExtraction
function to normalize the features.
normFactors.Mean = mean(allFeatures,2,"omitnan"); normFactors.STD = std(allFeatures,[],2,"omitnan");
Universal Background Model (UBM)
Initialize the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) that will be the universal background model (UBM) in the i-vector system. The component weights are initialized as evenly distributed. Systems trained on the TIMIT data set usually contain around 2048 components.
numComponents =64; if speedUpExample numComponents = 32; end alpha = ones(1,numComponents)/numComponents; mu = randn(numFeatures,numComponents); vari = rand(numFeatures,numComponents) + eps; ubm = struct(ComponentProportion=alpha,mu=mu,sigma=vari);
Train the UBM using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm.
maxIter =10; if speedUpExample maxIter = 2; end tic for iter = 1:maxIter tic % EXPECTATION N = zeros(1,numComponents); F = zeros(numFeatures,numComponents); S = zeros(numFeatures,numComponents); L = 0; parfor ii = 1:numPar adsPart = partition(adsTrain,numPar,ii); while hasdata(adsPart) audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-liklihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma; s = (Y.*Y) * gamma; % Update the sufficient statistics over utterances N = N + n; F = F + f; S = S + s; % Update the log-likelihood L = L + sum(logLikelihoodSum); end end % Print current log-likelihood disp("Training UBM: " + iter + "/" + maxIter + " complete (" + round(toc) + " seconds), Log-likelihood = " + round(L)) % MAXIMIZATION N = max(N,eps); ubm.ComponentProportion = max(N/sum(N),eps); ubm.ComponentProportion = ubm.ComponentProportion/sum(ubm.ComponentProportion); ubm.mu = F./N; ubm.sigma = max(S./N - ubm.mu.^2,eps); end
Training UBM: 1/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -75180473 Training UBM: 2/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -75115244 Training UBM: 3/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -75064164 Training UBM: 4/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -75024270 Training UBM: 5/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74994504 Training UBM: 6/10 complete (57 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74970605 Training UBM: 7/10 complete (55 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74950526 Training UBM: 8/10 complete (58 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74933181 Training UBM: 9/10 complete (58 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74917145 Training UBM: 10/10 complete (55 seconds), Log-likelihood = -74901292
Calculate Baum-Welch Statistics
The Baum-Welch statistics are the N
(zeroth order) and F
(first order) statistics used in the EM algorithm, calculated using the final UBM.
is the feature vector at time .
, where is the number of speakers. For the purposes of training the total variability space, each audio file is considered a separate speaker (whether or not it belongs to a physical single speaker).
is the posterior probability that the UBM component accounts for the feature vector .
Calculate the zeroth and first order Baum-Welch statistics over the training set.
numSpeakers = numel(adsTrain.Files); Nc = {}; Fc = {}; tic parfor ii = 1:numPar adsPart = partition(adsTrain,numPar,ii); numFiles = numel(adsPart.Files); Npart = cell(1,numFiles); Fpart = cell(1,numFiles); for jj = 1:numFiles audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-likelihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma; Npart{jj} = reshape(n,1,1,numComponents); Fpart{jj} = reshape(f,numFeatures,1,numComponents); end Nc = [Nc,Npart]; Fc = [Fc,Fpart]; end disp("Baum-Welch statistics completed (" + toc + " seconds).")
Baum-Welch statistics completed (57.5179 seconds).
Expand the statistics into matrices and center , as described in [3], such that
is a diagonal matrix whose blocks are .
is a supervector obtained by concatenating .
is the number of components in the UBM.
is the number of features in a feature vector.
N = Nc; F = Fc; muc = reshape(ubm.mu,numFeatures,1,[]); for s = 1:numSpeakers N{s} = repelem(reshape(Nc{s},1,[]),numFeatures); F{s} = reshape(Fc{s} - Nc{s}.*muc,[],1); end
Because this example assumes a diagonal covariance matrix for the UBM, N
are also diagonal matrices, and are saved as vectors for efficient computation.
Total Variability Space
In the i-vector model, the ideal speaker supervector consists of a speaker-independent component and a speaker-dependent component. The speaker-dependent component consists of the total variability space model and the speaker's i-vector.
is the speaker utterance supervector
is the speaker- and channel-independent supervector, which can be taken to be the UBM supervector.
is a low-rank rectangular matrix and represents the total variability subspace.
is the i-vector for the speaker
The dimensionality of the i-vector, , is typically much lower than the C F -dimensional speaker utterance supervector, making the i-vector, or i-vectors, a much more compact and tractable representation.
To train the total variability space, , first randomly initialize T
, then perform these steps iteratively [3]:
Calculate the posterior distribution of the hidden variable.
2. Accumulate statistics across the speakers.
3. Update the total variability space.
[3] proposes initializing by the UBM variance, and then updating according to the equation:
where S(s) is the centered second-order Baum-Welch statistic. However, updating is often dropped in practice as it has little effect. This example does not update .
Create the sigma variable.
Sigma = ubm.sigma(:);
Specify the dimension of the total variability space. A typical value used for the TIMIT data set is 1000.
numTdim =32; if speedUpExample numTdim = 16; end
Initialize T
and the identity matrix, and preallocate cell arrays.
T = randn(numel(ubm.sigma),numTdim); T = T/norm(T); I = eye(numTdim); Ey = cell(numSpeakers,1); Eyy = cell(numSpeakers,1); Linv = cell(numSpeakers,1);
Set the number of iterations for training. A typical value reported is 20.
numIterations =
Run the training loop.
for iterIdx = 1:numIterations tic % 1. Calculate the posterior distribution of the hidden variable TtimesInverseSSdiag = (T./Sigma)'; parfor s = 1:numSpeakers L = (I + TtimesInverseSSdiag.*N{s}*T); Linv{s} = pinv(L); Ey{s} = Linv{s}*TtimesInverseSSdiag*F{s}; Eyy{s} = Linv{s} + Ey{s}*Ey{s}'; end % 2. Accumlate statistics across the speakers Eymat = cat(2,Ey{:}); FFmat = cat(2,F{:}); Kt = FFmat*Eymat'; K = mat2cell(Kt',numTdim,repelem(numFeatures,numComponents)); newT = cell(numComponents,1); for c = 1:numComponents AcLocal = zeros(numTdim); for s = 1:numSpeakers AcLocal = AcLocal + Nc{s}(:,:,c)*Eyy{s}; end % 3. Update the Total Variability Space newT{c} = (pinv(AcLocal)*K{c})'; end T = cat(1,newT{:}); disp("Training Total Variability Space: " + iterIdx + "/" + numIterations + " complete (" + round(toc,2) + " seconds).") end
Training Total Variability Space: 1/5 complete (1.97 seconds). Training Total Variability Space: 2/5 complete (1.69 seconds). Training Total Variability Space: 3/5 complete (1.79 seconds). Training Total Variability Space: 4/5 complete (1.56 seconds). Training Total Variability Space: 5/5 complete (1.74 seconds).
i-vector Extraction
Once the total variability space is calculated, you can calculate the i-vectors as [4]:
At this point, you are still considering each training file as a separate speaker. However, in the next step, when you train a projection matrix to reduce dimensionality and increase inter-speaker differences, the i-vectors must be labeled with the appropriate, distinct speaker IDs.
Create a cell array where each element of the cell array contains a matrix of i-vectors across files for a particular speaker.
speakers = unique(adsTrain.Labels); numSpeakers = numel(speakers); ivectorPerSpeaker = cell(numSpeakers,1); TS = T./Sigma; TSi = TS'; ubmMu = ubm.mu; tic parfor speakerIdx = 1:numSpeakers % Subset the datastore to the speaker you are adapting. adsPart = subset(adsTrain,adsTrain.Labels==speakers(speakerIdx)); numFiles = numel(adsPart.Files); ivectorPerFile = zeros(numTdim,numFiles); for fileIdx = 1:numFiles audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-likelihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma - n.*(ubmMu); ivectorPerFile(:,fileIdx) = pinv(I + (TS.*repelem(n(:),numFeatures))' * T) * TSi * f(:); end ivectorPerSpeaker{speakerIdx} = ivectorPerFile; end disp("I-vectors extracted from training set (" + toc + " seconds).")
I-vectors extracted from training set (65.8347 seconds).
Projection Matrix
Many different backends have been proposed for i-vectors. The most straightforward and still well-performing one is the combination of linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and within-class covariance normalization (WCCN).
Create a matrix of the training vectors and a map indicating which i-vector corresponds to which speaker. Initialize the projection matrix as an identity matrix.
w = ivectorPerSpeaker; utterancePerSpeaker = cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),w); ivectorsTrain = cat(2,w{:}); projectionMatrix = eye(size(w{1},1));
LDA attempts to minimize the intra-class variance and maximize the variance between speakers. It can be calculated as outlined in [4]:
is the mean of i-vectors for each speaker.
is the mean i-vector across all speakers.
is the number of utterances for each speaker.
Solve the eigenvalue equation for the best eigenvectors:
The best eigenvectors are those with the highest eigenvalues.
performLDA =true; if performLDA tic numEigenvectors =
16; Sw = zeros(size(projectionMatrix,1)); Sb = zeros(size(projectionMatrix,1)); wbar = mean(cat(2,w{:}),2); for ii = 1:numel(w) ws = w{ii}; wsbar = mean(ws,2); Sb = Sb + (wsbar - wbar)*(wsbar - wbar)'; Sw = Sw + cov(ws',1); end [A,~] = eigs(Sb,Sw,numEigenvectors); A = (A./vecnorm(A))'; ivectorsTrain = A * ivectorsTrain; w = mat2cell(ivectorsTrain,size(ivectorsTrain,1),utterancePerSpeaker); projectionMatrix = A * projectionMatrix; disp("LDA projection matrix calculated (" + round(toc,2) + " seconds).") end
LDA projection matrix calculated (0.22 seconds).
WCCN attempts to scale the i-vector space inversely to the in-class covariance, so that directions of high intra-speaker variability are de-emphasized in i-vector comparisons [9].
Given the within-class covariance matrix:
is the mean of i-vectors for each speaker.
is the number of utterances for each speaker.
Solve for B using Cholesky decomposition:
performWCCN =true; if performWCCN tic alpha =
0.9; W = zeros(size(projectionMatrix,1)); for ii = 1:numel(w) W = W + cov(w{ii}',1); end W = W/numel(w); W = (1 - alpha)*W + alpha*eye(size(W,1)); B = chol(pinv(W),"lower"); projectionMatrix = B * projectionMatrix; disp("WCCN projection matrix calculated (" + round(toc,4) + " seconds).") end
WCCN projection matrix calculated (0.0096 seconds).
The training stage is now complete. You can now use the universal background model (UBM), total variability space (T), and projection matrix to enroll and verify speakers.
Train G-PLDA Model
Apply the projection matrix to the train set.
ivectors = cellfun(@(x)projectionMatrix*x,ivectorPerSpeaker,UniformOutput=false);
This algorithm implemented in this example is a Gaussian PLDA as outlined in [13]. In the Gaussian PLDA, the i-vector is represented with the following equation:
where is a global mean of the i-vectors, is a full precision matrix of the noise term , and is the factor loading matrix, also known as the eigenvoices.
Specify the number of eigenvoices to use. Typically numbers are between 10 and 400.
numEigenVoices =
Determine the number of disjoint persons, the number of dimensions in the feature vectors, and the number of utterances per speaker.
K = numel(ivectors); D = size(ivectors{1},1); utterancePerSpeaker = cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),ivectors);
Find the total number of samples and center the i-vectors.
ivectorsMatrix = cat(2,ivectors{:}); N = size(ivectorsMatrix,2); mu = mean(ivectorsMatrix,2); ivectorsMatrix = ivectorsMatrix - mu;
Determine a whitening matrix from the training i-vectors and then whiten the i-vectors. Specify either ZCA whitening, PCA whitening, or no whitening.
whiteningType ='ZCA'; if strcmpi(whiteningType,"ZCA") S = cov(ivectorsMatrix'); [~,sD,sV] = svd(S); W = diag(1./(sqrt(diag(sD)) + eps))*sV'; ivectorsMatrix = W * ivectorsMatrix; elseif strcmpi(whiteningType,"PCA") S = cov(ivectorsMatrix'); [sV,sD] = eig(S); W = diag(1./(sqrt(diag(sD)) + eps))*sV'; ivectorsMatrix = W * ivectorsMatrix; else W = eye(size(ivectorsMatrix,1)); end
Apply length normalization and then convert the training i-vector matrix back to a cell array.
ivectorsMatrix = ivectorsMatrix./vecnorm(ivectorsMatrix);
Compute the global second-order moment as
S = ivectorsMatrix*ivectorsMatrix';
Convert the training i-vector matrix back to a cell array.
ivectors = mat2cell(ivectorsMatrix,D,utterancePerSpeaker);
Sort persons according to the number of samples and then group the i-vectors by number of utterances per speaker. Precalculate the first-order moment of the -th person as
uniqueLengths = unique(utterancePerSpeaker); numUniqueLengths = numel(uniqueLengths); speakerIdx = 1; f = zeros(D,K); for uniqueLengthIdx = 1:numUniqueLengths idx = find(utterancePerSpeaker==uniqueLengths(uniqueLengthIdx)); temp = {}; for speakerIdxWithinUniqueLength = 1:numel(idx) rho = ivectors(idx(speakerIdxWithinUniqueLength)); temp = [temp;rho]; %#ok<AGROW> f(:,speakerIdx) = sum(rho{:},2); speakerIdx = speakerIdx+1; end ivectorsSorted{uniqueLengthIdx} = temp; %#ok<SAGROW> end
Initialize the eigenvoices matrix, V, and the inverse noise variance term, .
V = randn(D,numEigenVoices); Lambda = pinv(S/N);
Specify the number of iterations for the EM algorithm and whether or not to apply the minimum divergence.
numIter =5; minimumDivergence =
Train the G-PLDA model using the EM algorithm described in [13].
for iter = 1:numIter % EXPECTATION gamma = zeros(numEigenVoices,numEigenVoices); EyTotal = zeros(numEigenVoices,K); R = zeros(numEigenVoices,numEigenVoices); idx = 1; for lengthIndex = 1:numUniqueLengths ivectorLength = uniqueLengths(lengthIndex); % Isolate i-vectors of the same given length iv = ivectorsSorted{lengthIndex}; % Calculate M M = pinv(ivectorLength*(V'*(Lambda*V)) + eye(numEigenVoices)); % Equation (A.7) in [13] % Loop over each speaker for the current i-vector length for speakerIndex = 1:numel(iv) % First moment of latent variable for V Ey = M*V'*Lambda*f(:,idx); % Equation (A.8) in [13] % Calculate second moment. Eyy = Ey * Ey'; % Update Ryy R = R + ivectorLength*(M + Eyy); % Equation (A.13) in [13] % Append EyTotal EyTotal(:,idx) = Ey; idx = idx + 1; % If using minimum divergence, update gamma. if minimumDivergence gamma = gamma + (M + Eyy); % Equation (A.18) in [13] end end end % Calculate T TT = EyTotal*f'; % Equation (A.12) in [13] % MAXIMIZATION V = TT'*pinv(R); % Equation (A.16) in [13] Lambda = pinv((S - V*TT)/N); % Equation (A.17) in [13] % MINIMUM DIVERGENCE if minimumDivergence gamma = gamma/K; % Equation (A.18) in [13] V = V*chol(gamma,'lower');% Equation (A.22) in [13] end end
Once you've trained the G-PLDA model, you can use it to calculate a score based on the log-likelihood ratio as described in [14]. Given two i-vectors that have been centered, whitened, and length-normalized, the score is calculated as:
where and are the enrollment and test i-vectors, is the variance matrix of the noise term, is the eigenvoice matrix. The term are factored-out constants and can be dropped in practice.
speakerIdx =2; utteranceIdx =
1; w1 = ivectors{speakerIdx}(:,utteranceIdx); speakerIdx =
1; utteranceIdx =
10; wt = ivectors{speakerIdx}(:,utteranceIdx); VVt = V*V'; SigmaPlusVVt = pinv(Lambda) + VVt; term1 = pinv([SigmaPlusVVt VVt;VVt SigmaPlusVVt]); term2 = pinv(SigmaPlusVVt); w1wt = [w1;wt]; score = w1wt'*term1*w1wt - w1'*term2*w1 - wt'*term2*wt
score = 56.2336
In practice, the test i-vectors, and depending on your system, the enrollment ivectors, are not used in the training of the G-PLDA model. In the following evaluation section, you use previously unseen data for enrollment and verification. The supporting function, gpldaScore encapsulates the scoring steps above, and additionally performs centering, whitening, and normalization. Save the trained G-PLDA model as a struct for use with the supporting function gpldaScore
gpldaModel = struct(mu=mu, ... WhiteningMatrix=W, ... EigenVoices=V, ... Sigma=pinv(Lambda));
Enroll new speakers that were not in the training data set.
Create i-vectors for each file for each speaker in the enroll set using the this sequence of steps:
Feature Extraction
Baum-Welch Statistics: Determine the zeroth and first order statistics
i-vector Extraction
Intersession compensation
Then average the i-vectors across files to create an i-vector model for the speaker. Repeat the for each speaker.
speakers = unique(adsEnroll.Labels); numSpeakers = numel(speakers); enrolledSpeakersByIdx = cell(numSpeakers,1); tic parfor speakerIdx = 1:numSpeakers % Subset the datastore to the speaker you are adapting. adsPart = subset(adsEnroll,adsEnroll.Labels==speakers(speakerIdx)); numFiles = numel(adsPart.Files); ivectorMat = zeros(size(projectionMatrix,1),numFiles); for fileIdx = 1:numFiles audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-likelihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma - n.*(ubmMu); %i-vector Extraction w = pinv(I + (TS.*repelem(n(:),numFeatures))' * T) * TSi * f(:); % Intersession Compensation w = projectionMatrix*w; ivectorMat(:,fileIdx) = w; end % i-vector model enrolledSpeakersByIdx{speakerIdx} = mean(ivectorMat,2); end disp("Speakers enrolled (" + round(toc,2) + " seconds).")
Speakers enrolled (0.44 seconds).
For bookkeeping purposes, convert the cell array of i-vectors to a structure, with the speaker IDs as fields and the i-vectors as values
enrolledSpeakers = struct; for s = 1:numSpeakers enrolledSpeakers.(string(speakers(s))) = enrolledSpeakersByIdx{s}; end
Specify either the CSS or G-PLDA scoring method.
scoringMethod =
False Rejection Rate (FRR)
The speaker false rejection rate (FRR) is the rate that a given speaker is incorrectly rejected. Create an array of scores for enrolled speaker i-vectors and i-vectors of the same speaker.
speakersToTest = unique(adsDET.Labels); numSpeakers = numel(speakersToTest); scoreFRR = cell(numSpeakers,1); tic parfor speakerIdx = 1:numSpeakers adsPart = subset(adsDET,adsDET.Labels==speakersToTest(speakerIdx)); numFiles = numel(adsPart.Files); ivectorToTest = enrolledSpeakers.(string(speakersToTest(speakerIdx))); %#ok<PFBNS> score = zeros(numFiles,1); for fileIdx = 1:numFiles audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-likelihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma - n.*(ubmMu); % Extract i-vector w = pinv(I + (TS.*repelem(n(:),numFeatures))' * T) * TSi * f(:); % Intersession Compensation w = projectionMatrix*w; % Score if strcmpi(scoringMethod,"CSS") score(fileIdx) = dot(ivectorToTest,w)/(norm(w)*norm(ivectorToTest)); else score(fileIdx) = gpldaScore(gpldaModel,w,ivectorToTest); end end scoreFRR{speakerIdx} = score; end disp("FRR calculated (" + round(toc,2) + " seconds).")
FRR calculated (20.77 seconds).
False Acceptance Rate (FAR)
The speaker false acceptance rate (FAR) is the rate that utterances not belonging to an enrolled speaker are incorrectly accepted as belonging to the enrolled speaker. Create an array of scores for enrolled speakers and i-vectors of different speakers.
speakersToTest = unique(adsDET.Labels); numSpeakers = numel(speakersToTest); scoreFAR = cell(numSpeakers,1); tic parfor speakerIdx = 1:numSpeakers adsPart = subset(adsDET,adsDET.Labels~=speakersToTest(speakerIdx)); numFiles = numel(adsPart.Files); ivectorToTest = enrolledSpeakers.(string(speakersToTest(speakerIdx))); %#ok<PFBNS> score = zeros(numFiles,1); for fileIdx = 1:numFiles audioData = read(adsPart); % Extract features Y = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors); % Compute a posteriori log-likelihood logLikelihood = helperGMMLogLikelihood(Y,ubm); % Compute a posteriori normalized probability amax = max(logLikelihood,[],1); logLikelihoodSum = amax + log(sum(exp(logLikelihood-amax),1)); gamma = exp(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodSum)'; % Compute Baum-Welch statistics n = sum(gamma,1); f = Y * gamma - n.*(ubmMu); % Extract i-vector w = pinv(I + (TS.*repelem(n(:),numFeatures))' * T) * TSi * f(:); % Intersession compensation w = projectionMatrix * w; % Score if strcmpi(scoringMethod,"CSS") score(fileIdx) = dot(ivectorToTest,w)/(norm(w)*norm(ivectorToTest)); else score(fileIdx) = gpldaScore(gpldaModel,w,ivectorToTest); end end scoreFAR{speakerIdx} = score; end disp("FAR calculated (" + round(toc,2) + " seconds).")
FAR calculated (58.14 seconds).
Equal Error Rate (EER)
To compare multiple systems, you need a single metric that combines the FAR and FRR performance. For this, you determine the equal error rate (EER), which is the threshold where the FAR and FRR curves meet. In practice, the EER threshold might not be the best choice. For example, if speaker verification is used as part of a multi-authentication approach for wire transfers, FAR would most likely be more heavily weighted than FRR.
amin = min(cat(1,scoreFRR{:},scoreFAR{:})); amax = max(cat(1,scoreFRR{:},scoreFAR{:})); thresholdsToTest = linspace(amin,amax,1000); % Compute the FRR and FAR for each of the thresholds. if strcmpi(scoringMethod,"CSS") % In CSS, a larger score indicates the enroll and test ivectors are % similar. FRR = mean(cat(1,scoreFRR{:})<thresholdsToTest); FAR = mean(cat(1,scoreFAR{:})>thresholdsToTest); else % In G-PLDA, a smaller score indicates the enroll and test ivectors are % similar. FRR = mean(cat(1,scoreFRR{:})>thresholdsToTest); FAR = mean(cat(1,scoreFAR{:})<thresholdsToTest); end [~,EERThresholdIdx] = min(abs(FAR - FRR)); EERThreshold = thresholdsToTest(EERThresholdIdx); EER = mean([FAR(EERThresholdIdx),FRR(EERThresholdIdx)]); figure plot(thresholdsToTest,FAR,"k", ... thresholdsToTest,FRR,"b", ... EERThreshold,EER,"ro",MarkerFaceColor="r") title(["Equal Error Rate = " + round(EER,4),"Threshold = " + round(EERThreshold,4)]) xlabel("Threshold") ylabel("Error Rate") legend("False Acceptance Rate (FAR)","False Rejection Rate (FRR)","Equal Error Rate (EER)",Location="best") grid on axis tight
Supporting Functions
Feature Extraction and Normalization
function [features,numFrames] = helperFeatureExtraction(audioData,afe,normFactors) % Input: % audioData - column vector of audio data % afe - audioFeatureExtractor object % normFactors - mean and standard deviation of the features used for normalization. % If normFactors is empty, no normalization is applied. % % Output % features - matrix of features extracted % numFrames - number of frames (feature vectors) returned % Normalize audioData = audioData/max(abs(audioData(:))); % Protect against NaNs audioData(isnan(audioData)) = 0; % Isolate speech segment idx = detectSpeech(audioData,afe.SampleRate); features = []; for ii = 1:size(idx,1) f = extract(afe,audioData(idx(ii,1):idx(ii,2))); features = [features;f]; %#ok<AGROW> end % Feature normalization if ~isempty(normFactors) features = (features-normFactors.Mean')./normFactors.STD'; end features = features'; % Cepstral mean subtraction (for channel noise) if ~isempty(normFactors) features = features - mean(features,"all"); end numFrames = size(features,2); end
Gaussian Multi-Component Mixture Log-Likelihood
function L = helperGMMLogLikelihood(x,gmm) xMinusMu = repmat(x,1,1,numel(gmm.ComponentProportion)) - permute(gmm.mu,[1,3,2]); permuteSigma = permute(gmm.sigma,[1,3,2]); Lunweighted = -0.5*(sum(log(permuteSigma),1) + sum(xMinusMu.*(xMinusMu./permuteSigma),1) + size(gmm.mu,1)*log(2*pi)); temp = squeeze(permute(Lunweighted,[1,3,2])); if size(temp,1)==1 % If there is only one frame, the trailing singleton dimension was % removed in the permute. This accounts for that edge case. temp = temp'; end L = temp + log(gmm.ComponentProportion)'; end
G-PLDA Score
function score = gpldaScore(gpldaModel,w1,wt) % Center the data w1 = w1 - gpldaModel.mu; wt = wt - gpldaModel.mu; % Whiten the data w1 = gpldaModel.WhiteningMatrix*w1; wt = gpldaModel.WhiteningMatrix*wt; % Length-normalize the data w1 = w1./vecnorm(w1); wt = wt./vecnorm(wt); % Score the similarity of the i-vectors based on the log-likelihood. VVt = gpldaModel.EigenVoices * gpldaModel.EigenVoices'; SVVt = gpldaModel.Sigma + VVt; term1 = pinv([SVVt VVt;VVt SVVt]); term2 = pinv(SVVt); w1wt = [w1;wt]; score = w1wt'*term1*w1wt - w1'*term2*w1 - wt'*term2*wt; end
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