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Convert secondary structure of RNA sequence between bracket and matrix notations


RNAStruct2 = rnaconvert(RNAStruct)

Input Arguments

RNAStructSecondary structure of an RNA sequence represented by either:
  • Bracket notation

  • Connectivity matrix


Use the rnafold function to create RNAStruct.

Output Arguments

RNAStruct2Secondary structure of an RNA sequence represented by either:
  • Bracket notation — Character vector or string containing dots and brackets, where each dot represents an unpaired base, while a pair of equally nested, opening and closing brackets represents a base pair.

  • Connectivity matrix — Binary, upper-triangular matrix, where RNAmatrix(i, j) = 1 if and only if the ith residue in the RNA sequence Seq is paired with the jth residue of Seq.


RNAStruct2 = rnaconvert(RNAStruct) returns RNAStruct2, the secondary structure of an RNA sequence, in matrix notation (if RNAStruct is in bracket notation), or in bracket notation (if RNAStruct is in matrix notation).


Example 36. Converting from Bracket to Matrix Notation
  1. Create a character vector representing a secondary structure of an RNA sequence in bracket notation.

    Bracket = '(((..((((.......)))).((.....)).))).';
  2. Convert the secondary structure to a connectivity matrix representation.

    Matrix = rnaconvert(Bracket);
Example 37. Converting from Matrix to Bracket Notation
  1. Create a connectivity matrix representing a secondary structure of an RNA sequence.

        Matrix2 = zeros(12);
        Matrix2(1,12) = 1;
        Matrix2(2,11) = 1;
        Matrix2(3,10) = 1;
        Matrix2(4,9) = 1;
  2. Convert the secondary structure to bracket notation.

    Bracket2 = rnaconvert(Matrix2)
    Bracket2 =

Version History

Introduced in R2007b

See Also
