Generate and Decode Bluetooth Protocol Data Units
The Bluetooth® Toolbox enables you to model the Bluetooth low energy (LE) link layer (LL), the logical link control and adaptation protocol (L2CAP), the generic access profile (GAP), the attribute protocol (ATT) layer and the Bluetooth basic rate/enhanced data rate (BR/EDR) baseband and link control layer. Use the configuration objects and functions to parameterize, generate, and decode the Bluetooth protocol data units (PDUs) based on Bluetooth Core Specification 5.3 [2].
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE ATT PDU
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE ATT PDU using the bleATTPDU
and bleATTPDUDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleATTPDUConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE ATT PDU generation.
Create a Bluetooth LE ATT PDU configuration object, specifying the opcode as "Information request
cfgATT = bleATTPDUConfig(Opcode="Information request")
cfgATT = bleATTPDUConfig with properties: Opcode: 'Information request' StartHandle: '0001' EndHandle: 'FFFF'
Generate a Bluetooth LE ATT PDU.
attPDU = bleATTPDU(cfgATT)
attPDU = 5x2 char array
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE ATT PDU. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
[status,cfgATTDecode] = bleATTPDUDecode(attPDU)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgATTDecode = bleATTPDUConfig with properties: Opcode: 'Information request' StartHandle: '0001' EndHandle: 'FFFF'
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE LL Data Channel PDU
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU using the bleLLDataChannelPDU
and bleLLDataChannelPDUDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU generation.
Create a default Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU configuration object for a data PDU. Set the link layer identifier to "Data (start fragment/complete)
cfgLLData = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig
cfgLLData = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig with properties: LLID: 'Data (continuation fragment/empty)' NESN: 0 SequenceNumber: 0 MoreData: 0 CRCInitialization: '012345'
cfgLLData.LLID = "Data (start fragment/complete)"
cfgLLData = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig with properties: LLID: "Data (start fragment/complete)" NESN: 0 SequenceNumber: 0 MoreData: 0 CRCInitialization: '012345'
Set the CRC value.
cfgLLData.CRCInitialization = '123456';
Generate a Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU by using the created configuration object and the upper-layer payload, "030004000A0100
dataPDU = bleLLDataChannelPDU(cfgLLData,"030004000A0100")
dataPDU = 96×1
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU by initializing the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
crcInit = '123456';
[status,cfgRx,llPayload] = bleLLDataChannelPDUDecode(dataPDU,crcInit)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgRx = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig with properties: LLID: 'Data (start fragment/complete)' NESN: 0 SequenceNumber: 0 MoreData: 0 CRCInitialization: '123456'
llPayload = 7x2 char array
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE LL Control PDU
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE LL control PDU using the bleLLDataChannelPDU
and bleLLDataChannelPDUDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleLLControlPDUConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE LL control PDU generation.
Create a default Bluetooth LE LL control PDU configuration object.
cfgControl = bleLLControlPDUConfig
cfgControl = bleLLControlPDUConfig with properties: Opcode: 'Connection update indication' WindowSize: 1 WindowOffset: 0 ConnectionInterval: 6 PeripheralLatency: 0 ConnectionTimeout: 10 Instant: 0
Create a Bluetooth LE LL data channel PDU configuration object, specifying the control PDU configuration object.
cfgLLData = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig(ControlConfig=cfgControl);
Specify the link layer identifier and CRC initialization values.
cfgLLData.LLID = "Control"; cfgLLData.CRCInitialization = "E23456"
cfgLLData = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig with properties: LLID: "Control" NESN: 0 SequenceNumber: 0 MoreData: 0 CRCInitialization: 'E23456' ControlConfig: [1x1 bleLLControlPDUConfig]
Generate a Bluetooth LE LL control PDU.
controlPDU = bleLLDataChannelPDU(cfgLLData)
controlPDU = 136×1
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE LL control PDU by initializing the CRC value. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
crcInit = 'E23456'; % Received during associaton [status,cfgLLControl,llPayload] = bleLLDataChannelPDUDecode(controlPDU,crcInit)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgLLControl = bleLLDataChannelPDUConfig with properties: LLID: 'Control' NESN: 0 SequenceNumber: 0 MoreData: 0 CRCInitialization: 'E23456' ControlConfig: [1x1 bleLLControlPDUConfig]
llPayload = 1x0 empty char array
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU using the bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDU
and bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU generation.
Create a default Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU configuration object. Specify the PDU type as "Scan response
cfgLLAdv = bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUConfig;
cfgLLAdv.PDUType = "Scan response";
Set the channel selection algorithm to "Algorithm2
" and hop increment count to 10
cfgLLAdv.ChannelSelection = "Algorithm2";
cfgLLAdv.HopIncrement = 10
cfgLLAdv = bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUConfig with properties: PDUType: 'Scan response' AdvertiserAddressType: 'Random' AdvertiserAddress: '0123456789AB' ScanResponseData: [3x2 char]
Generate a Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU.
advLLPDU = bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDU(cfgLLAdv)
advLLPDU = 112×1
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE LL Advertising Channel PDU. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
[status,cfgLLAdvDecode] = bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUDecode(advLLPDU)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgLLAdvDecode = bleLLAdvertisingChannelPDUConfig with properties: PDUType: 'Scan response' AdvertiserAddressType: 'Random' AdvertiserAddress: '0123456789AB' ScanResponseData: [3x2 char]
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE GAP Data Block
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE GAP data block using the bleGAPDataBlock
and bleGAPDataBlockDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleGAPDataBlockConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE GAP data block generation.
Create a Bluetooth LE GAP data block configuration object, specifying the advertising data type as "Advertising interva
l" and enabling simultaneous support for LE and BR/EDR modes at the Host.
cfgGAP = bleGAPDataBlockConfig(AdvertisingDataTypes="Advertising interval",LE="Host")
cfgGAP = bleGAPDataBlockConfig with properties: AdvertisingDataTypes: {'Advertising interval'} AdvertisingInterval: 32
Generate a Bluetooth LE GAP data block.
dataBlock = bleGAPDataBlock(cfgGAP)
dataBlock = 4x2 char array
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE GAP AD block. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
[status,cfgGAP] = bleGAPDataBlockDecode(dataBlock)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgGAP = bleGAPDataBlockConfig with properties: AdvertisingDataTypes: {'Advertising interval'} AdvertisingInterval: 32
Generate and Decode Bluetooth LE L2CAP Frame
This example enables you to generate and decode a Bluetooth LE L2CAP frame using the bleL2CAPFrame
and bleL2CAPFrameDecode
functions, respectively. Use the bleL2CAPFrameConfig
configuration object to set the configuration parameters for Bluetooth LE L2CAP frame generation.
Create a default Bluetooth LE L2CAP frame configuration object, specifying the signaling command type as "Credit Based Connection request
cfgL2CAP = bleL2CAPFrameConfig(CommandType="Credit based connection request")
cfgL2CAP = bleL2CAPFrameConfig with properties: ChannelIdentifier: '0005' CommandType: 'Credit based connection request' SignalIdentifier: '01' SourceChannelIdentifier: '0040' LEPSM: '001F' MaxTransmissionUnit: 23 MaxPDUPayloadSize: 23 Credits: 1
Generate a Bluetooth LE L2CAP frame.
L2CAPFrame = bleL2CAPFrame(cfgL2CAP)
L2CAPFrame = 18x2 char array
Decode the generated Bluetooth LE L2CAP frame. The returned status indicates decoding is successful.
[status,cfgL2CAP,sdu] = bleL2CAPFrameDecode(L2CAPFrame)
status = blePacketDecodeStatus enumeration Success
cfgL2CAP = bleL2CAPFrameConfig with properties: ChannelIdentifier: '0005' CommandType: 'Credit based connection request' SignalIdentifier: '01' SourceChannelIdentifier: '0040' LEPSM: '001F' MaxTransmissionUnit: 23 MaxPDUPayloadSize: 23 Credits: 1
sdu = 1x0 empty char array
[1] Bluetooth Technology Website. “Bluetooth Technology Website | The Official Website of Bluetooth Technology.” Accessed September 1, 2020.
[2] Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). "Bluetooth Core Specification." Version 5.3.