Set Up Polyspace Analysis in IDEs
You can specify analysis options to modify the default behavior of Polyspace as You Code. Common options such as checkers are available through IDE extension settings. If you cannot find a setting in your IDE extension to tune the analysis, look for an analysis engine option and specify the option in an options file. Then, specify the options file in your IDE extension settings.
The commonly required configuration actions are analyzing build, setting checkers, and baselining results. For each of these actions, you specify the appropriate IDE extension setting and then perform an additional step prior to running Polyspace as You Code. For instance:
Analyzing build: In your IDE settings, you specify where to obtain build information, and then run a build analysis prior to the actual runs.
Setting checkers: Prior to running Polyspace as You Code, you specify checkers in a checkers selection window and save them in a configuration file. In your IDE settings, you specify the path to this file.
Baselining: In your IDE settings, you specify the Polyspace Access project to use as baseline, and then download the baseline information prior to the actual runs.
- Polyspace as You Code IDE Extension Settings
Full list of Polyspace as You Code IDE extension settings
- Analyzing Build in Polyspace as You Code
Analyze source code build and gather compilation information for subsequent Polyspace as You Code runs
- Setting Checkers in Polyspace as You Code
Enable or disable specific defects and coding standard checkers
- Baselining in Polyspace as You Code
Baseline Polyspace as You Code results using results downloaded from Polyspace Access and focus on new or unreviewed results only